Monday, July 19, 2021

Your Honey CAN Go Bad!


Your Honey 
CAN Go Bad!

Hello From Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. I'm EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. I'm here to help you make the right decision to avoid your honey going bad.

Can honey go bad?? I thought honey never went bad. Well, that is almost accurate but not quite.

How can your honey go bad?

In my newest video, I'll explain a big mistake you can make to make your honey go bad, ruin your whole year's work and make your customers angry and want their money back.

Please do not make this horrible mistake.

Before you watch the video, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel. It will help me so much if you would be so kind to support my channel. I'm inspired to make more videos as my channel continues to grow. All my videos have a red subscribe button in the lower right corner of the videos, so just click there and join my nearly 66,000 other subscribers. Thank you in advance.

Are you a new beekeeper and are starting to realize YOU NEED HELP?? Consider taking my ONLINE Ultimate Beekeeping Course.

Greater knowledge leads to greater success!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Some Beekeeping Stuff Is Worthless And A Big Waste Of Money

Hello From Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. I'm EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. I'm here to help you keep healthier bees and avoid horrible mistakes.

When I first started beekeeping I desperately searched for answers and I fell for a ton of gizmos and gadgets thinking it would make my bees healthier and produce more honey. It's crazy what we will fall for.

I'm starting a new video series where I evaluate various pieces of beekeeping equipment and ask the question, "Is It Worthless or Worth it?"

If you've not seen my two, latest videos please check them out. The first one is on the inner cover. Are inner covers really needed? What is the purpose of an inner cover anyway?

The second video is on screen bottom boards. Are they really any better than a solid bottom board. Can you use screen bottom boards in the winter? Check these videos out below to discover how many mites are reduced by screen bottom boards and how they effect your honey production.

And PLEASE subscribe to our Beekeeping YouTube channel so you can keep learning how to keep healthier bees an avoid horrible mistakes. Help us reach 100,000 subscribers by the end of the year. I'm doing my part by making a ton of videos! We are at 64,562 and need 35,438 new subscribers. Thank you sooooo much! Each video has a red subscribe button in the lower right hand corner. When you subscribe you are giving me your support of my channel so I do appreciate it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Can You Tell The Difference Between Capped Brood And Capped Honey? Pollen Or Bee Bread?


What Do You See When Your Inspect A Frame?

Hello From Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. I'm EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. I'm here to help you keep healthier bees and avoid horrible mistakes.

When you inspect a frame from your hive, what do you see?

It is important that you identify everything that is in the cells. The faster you identify nectar, honey, pollen and bee bread the easier it is to analyze your hive's overall health.

The same is true when identify various stages of brood as well.

Some beekeepers tell me they have not learned the difference yet between capped pupae and capped honey!

I'm here to help. I've just made a new video to help you level up your inspections. It's time to level up and know what you are looking at when inspecting your hive.

Here's my newest video below. Go ahead, click on the video and inspect your bees with greater confidence!

Now that you are a beekeeper you may be faced with many questions. It's never too late to take one of our ONLINE beekeeping courses.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Just How Much Honey Can You Harvest From Your Hive?


Just How Much Honey Can You Take From Your Hive?

Hello From Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July weekend. Bees are bringing in lots of nectar and have started to cap over off lots of honey.

It's fun to harvest honey from a hive, but just how much do we need to leave on for the bees? In today's video we'll open and inspect a hive to see just how much honey, pollen and bee bread they have in store. I think you'll be shocked on what grade I'm going to give this hive for having stored resources. Will I give it an A+ or an F?

I'll be using my Inspection Guide to help me assess the hive's overall resource health.

We will also mark a forager and see how long she stays out on a foraging flight.
I've worked hard on this inspection guide and you will not be disappointed. This guide will walk you through how to collect the information you need to
make a wise decision for your next step.

So purchase the Inspection Guide and then watch my new video so you can inspect your hive to determine if they have enough resources.

In the video below, learn to inspect like a beast!

Now that you are a beekeeper you may be faced with many questions. It's never too late to take one of our ONLINE beekeeping courses.