
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mite Control - Wrapping - Feeding - Weird Smelling Hives

Happy Last Days Of Summer! We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee
Farms and It's almost here. Fall will arrive on September 22nd, 2019.
Only five days away. Are your bees ready?  In this newsletter I'll give you tips on preparing your bees for winter such as mite control, fall and winter feeding, wrapping hives and is the weird hive smell a bad thing?

Our lane is lined on the north side with an abundance of goldenrod. Goldenrod makes your hives smell weird. And yes my hives smell weird! Nectar produced by fall asters will make hives take on a funky smell. Don't panic and jump to the conclusion that you have the dreaded, smelly American foulbrood disease. Probably just a fall crop of goldenrod. Can goldenrod produce a fall honey crop? Not likely. While it is a good source of nectar and pollen to help bees prepare for winter, rarely are bees able to gather and store enough for an abundant crop. 

Take advantage of educating yourself on how to control mites with our new MITE CONTROL ONLINE COURSE. There are only a few weeks left to bring your mite levels under control. If you "think" your mite levels are fine, you may be heartbroken when your bees die this winter. You've enjoyed your bees, now take advantage of this online course to learn how to deal with mites. Mites are the main reason colonies die in the winter. Click here now.

1st Year Of BeeTeam6 Mentoring Videos Now Available to Everyone
This resource is a very unique opportunity for you to have access to 1 year's worth of BeeTeam6 videos-- a library of informative beekeeping videos compiled here in one place. Each video was produced privately by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns for his BeeTeam6 subscribers. Also included are several other top videos that beekeepers have enjoyed the most on YouTube. BeeTeam6 is a Beekeeping Partnership program established by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper David Burns in 2016. Purchase Now For Only $39

Watch My New YouTube Video Today
I explain the importance of fall mite control, wrapping and how to feed your bees this fall and through the winter. 

Fall Mite Control, Feeding & Wrapping Video
I'm EAS Certified Master Beekeeper David Burns and I've spent a quarter of a century observing, admiring and studying bees. Most of my focus has been on getting bees through the winter. It really isn't that hard if done correctly. In today's new video, I'll explain my shocking findings over the years as to why bees die in the winter and how easy it is to solve the issue of bees dying in the winter.
PLEASE WATCH MY NEW VIDEO! This is the first time I've prepared a concise and detailed video on getting your bees through the winter. When you watch the video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our beekeeping YouTube channel. It's free and it will help you know when we produce new, helpful videos.
Check Out Our Hobby Kit A Great Way To Get Started In Beekeeping...Read more
How Many Hives Should You Start With?  The average backyard hobbyist should always start with 2 or more. Why? With two hives, you can compare...Read More
What Happens To Bees In The Winter? This and 21 other questions are answered here...Read more

It Will Soon Turn Cold! Winter Bee Kinds Are Available
Our Winter Bee Kinds Are Available And Can Make A Huge Difference In Getting Your Bees Through The Winter 
Don't delay ordering your Winter-Bee-Kind. Now that fall is only a few days away, make sure your bees have adequate food for winter by placing our Winter Bee Kind on your hive if for no other reason than for the peace of mind that they won't starve! Available for 10 frame, and 8 frame hives.

Preparing Bees For Winter - Burns Bees Feeding System
The only way your bees will survive the winter is by having enough bees of winter physiology. Summer bees only live 40 days. However, bees of winter physiology live 4-6 months. Bees that you raise in the fall will be bees you see next spring. But how do you raise bees of winter physiology and when? You must feed your bees in the fall so that the queen can lay an abundance of brood in October. When the queen lays an abundance of eggs in October, those bees will emerge in November and will support the hive through April. To stimulate brood rearing now you must feed your bees with our Burns Bees Feeding System. 

Our feeding board, shown to the left, allows you to feed from the top where the cluster is located on cooler fall evenings. And it provides screened holes to place your 1:1 sugar water with our protein powder. I explain all of this in my new video. Order it today while supplies last!

I also explain in today's new video how long you can use it until you replace it with our Winter-Bee-Kind winter feeder. Please watch this video now to help you prepare.

Join An Elite Team Of Beekeepers Known As BeeTeam6

Sign up now for the BeeTeam6 Beekeeping Coaching Program because over the next several weeks David will be going into detail on how to prepare your bees for winter. Sign up for the six month plan in September and receive a free winter-bee-kind shipped in November or December. Free shipping too. Click here to sign up for BeeTeam 6 now. 


Many are calling and asking how to take my class on getting your bees through the winter. Unfortunately we held this course a few weeks ago. However this course is available as an online course. Learn how to get your bees through the winter with my online course, from the comfort of your home. Watch the video lessons when you have time. You can pause the teaching videos or go back and watch them over and over. 

I'm glad you are keeping bees or thinking about it. Thank you for supporting our family business for all your beekeeping needs.

David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms