
Monday, May 6, 2019

Don't Become A Worried, Loney Beekeeper

It's Very Common To Lose Your Hives From Mistakes Which Could Have Been Avoided

You may already be second guessing some things you've done to your bees. Queen issues, feeding, adding another box, mite control, pollen patties, making splits, replacing the can quickly become overwhelming. If you do not have a friend or a knowledgeable mentor you can quickly feel all alone. You keep running inside and looking for help on YouTube but you cannot find the video that addresses your exact question. Wouldn't it be nice to have certified master beekeeper, David Burns, as your beekeeping friend to call, email or text for guidance and advice.

Just think, beekeeping coaching by Email, Text, or Phone. Receive newsletters, videos and podcasts straight to your inbox. Send David pictures, videos or video chat with him for your beekeeping questions or struggles!
For less than $5 a week here's what you will receive:
-  Several New Instructional Videos Each Month.
-  Personal Email & Phone Mentorship With David Burns. Once you sign up you are given his personal cell phone. You'll be just a phone call, text or email away from a certified master beekeeper to help you when you need it most. Let's face it, spring is when we need help the most.
-  He will also send you several articles a month with tips on what you should be doing and looking for and interesting beekeeping science and practical approaches.

Basic Beekeeping Private Online Course
Your bees deserve you having the fundamentals beekeeping under your belt. Having a healthy grasp of beekeeping is going to help you so much. Sign up for David's Online Basic Beekeeping Course By Clicking Here.

Spring Management Private Online Course
Hives have started swarming in most of the country. Do you know how to make splits, prevent swarms and feed your bees in the spring? Do not make the mistake of failing to test and treat for mites. Sign up for this Course.

A Day In The Apiary With David, Private Online Course
Until you are guided through a hive inspection by a certified master beekeeper you may miss many important aspects of what to look for and what you are seeing. This course is online, from the comfort of your home. Sign up now.

5 Frame Nucs Available 
(5 Frames From An Illinois Overwintered Hive With Queen)
It's great when bees overwinter so well that we can sell bees from overwintered Illinois hives. These colonies have already been inspected by the Illinois Department of Ag and the inspector wrote on the inspection report, "Hives look very good."

These are 5 frame nucs with a mated Illinois queens. These are not nucs from the south and are not made from packages. These are nucs from Illinois overwintered colonies. Click here for more information.

Your Bees May Still Require Being Fed
Knowing how long to feed your bees in the spring can be challenging. As long as your bees need to expand in population or draw out wax onto frames, it's a good idea to feed your bees. Our feeding system holds two of your jars (lids with holes included). Screen blocks bees from coming out while you change your jars. Also has a rectangle slot for patties.

Watch David's Newest YouTube :

We are glad you are keeping bees or thinking about it. Thank you for supporting our family business for all your beekeeping needs. See our complete line of beekeeping hives and kits at


David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms
Fairmount, Illinois