
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Starting Out As A New Beekeeper Can Be So Exciting But So Stressful

How Do You Feel About Your Bees?

Sheri and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting our family business. This is our only livelihood so we are highly motivated to show our appreciation to you for every purchase you make with us. We know you have lots of options so we appreciate your purchases from us so much. One of the best ways you can put a smile on our face is to order one of our ONLINE COURSES. Not only is this a huge support, but it also helps us accomplish our passion of informing beekeepers the right way to keep bees.

Beekeepers around the country have recently started with a package or will install  package within the next few weeks. Our packages are on schedule so far, for this Saturday. It is exciting, especially for new beekeepers. With that excitement comes a little anxiety and maybe a tiny bit of fear or uncertainty for what to expect.

I remember when I bought my first package. I wasn't sure if I knew what I was doing or not. Even the whole next month after I installed my bees I kept worrying if I was doing the right thing. What should I do next? Should I keep feeding them? Will the cold nights hurt them? When do I add my next hive body? Do they need a pollen patty? Should I test for mites now, or wait? Since mites are the number one killer of bees, when should I start mite control? It is overwhelming to a new beekeeper. 

If you've started without taking a course you will be even more overwhelmed and your bees will likely suffer from your lack of knowledge and preparation. Two of our six online classes you will benefit the most from are: Basic Beekeeping & Spring Management. Check them out today and ease your mind by gaining the knowledge needed to help build up your confidence.

Okay, it's time for you to learn how to raise your own queens. Join David on May 24th 9am-3pm to learn how to raise your own queens. When you need to purchase a queen they are not easy to find and certainly not always available when you need them. You can raise your own queens and have them 
available when you need them and save lots of money and time. As an EAS Certified Master Beekeeper David has raised queens a long time. His practical expertise will help you raise just a few queens or hundreds. This is a hands on class with some training both indoors and out in the bee yard. Sign Up Today. Only 4 spots left.

5 Frame Nucs With Bees for Sale

We have 5 Frame Nucs with bees 
for sale. It's great when bees overwinter so well that we can sell bees from overwintered Illinois hives. These colonies have already been inspected by the Illinois Department of Ag and the inspector wrote on the inspection report, "Hives look very good."

These are 5 frame nucs with a mated Illinois queens. These are notnucs from the south and are not made from packages. These are nucs from Illinois overwintered colonies. Click here for more information.

Package Bee Pick Up This Saturday

This Saturday is our package bee pickup day. 9am-4pm. Please call first if you are wanting to pick up other items other than packages when you are here so we can be sure to have items in stock. Otherwise, inventory sells very fast to the early birds. Remember to call anytime to listen to a recording updating if Saturday is still a go before making a long trip. If there is any delay we will only place the info on our recording.

Wear rain gear if it rains and try to stay on the gravel if it is muddy. Let's hope for a beautiful day. We recommend wearing protective gear because there can be lots of bees flying around. 


Our awesome feeding systems are selling faster than we can make them. Another batch should go online today or tomorrow. These are flying off the shelves and inventory is cleaned out as soon as we place them online. So keep checking the website. Click here for more info: Burns Bees Feeding System. 




Beekeeping Catching A Swarm

How To Start Beekeeping
Do You Have An Amazon Alexa or Echo Dot?
Every couple of days David places helpful beekeeping tips on the Amazon Alexa for you to listen to with your daily briefing. The Amazon Alexa/Echo was a phenomenal hit this past holiday season. If you were one of the millions of people that purchased one of these during the holiday season you can now listen to a daily beekeeping tip from certified master beekeeper David Burns. Just go to your Alexa skills and look for Beekeeping and add it to your daily flash briefing.

I'm glad you are keeping bees or thinking about it. Thank you for supporting our family business for all your beekeeping needs. Our hours today are 10am-4:30pm central time. Give us a call.


David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms