
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How To Raise Queens From Swarm Cells | How To Mark Your Own Queens


What Can Your Bees Die From This Winter?

Hello From Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. I'm EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. Our small family business continues to help educate and mentor beekeepers across the US. As always we appreciate your business so much, because bees are our only livelihood.

It is so easy it seems for colonies to perish in the winter. Statistics show that around 50% of colonies perish during the winter months. That means if you have two hives, you'll come out of winter with one. Or if your neighbor has five hives and you have five that one of you could lose them all while the other five survive.

What can cause your hives to perish in the winter months? The most obvious answer is mites.

What can also cause your hives to perish in the winter months are queen issues that happened in the summer or fall. A failing queen can leave your hive low in populations and especially low in bees of winter physiology resulting in the colony being unable to have enough bees to keep warm.

I've just made a new video showing you how you can harvest strong, swarm queen cells so you can have plenty of replacement queens should you loose a queen next season. And, bonus footage, I'll show you how to mark your queen.

It's not that difficult and it is sooooo much easier to find your queen. Next year queens will be marked yellow. In my video, be the first to answer my question correctly in the video comment section and you'll win a new yellow queen marking pen.

I'd really love to hit 100,000 subscribers by Dec. 31, 2021. We have a long way to go, but with your help we can do it! Please watch the video below and subscribe. Thanks a bunch.

Now Is A Great Time To Take My Ultimate ONLINE Beekeeping Course!

CLICK HERE! You can watch my video courses as long as you want from the comfort of your home.

Are you a new beekeeper and are starting to realize YOU NEED HELP?? Consider taking my ONLINE Ultimate Beekeeping Course.

Greater knowledge leads to greater success!