
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

I've Made Some Big Mistakes In Beekeeping


So Here's The Thing...

You would think that spring would be an easy time for bees and beekeepers. Then why is it the busiest and most difficult time of the year to get your hive off to a great start?

It's because so many things can go wrong so fast. Swarming, queen failure, when to add the next box, mite explosion, beetles, when to stop feeding, how much to open the entrance... on and on it goes.

I've just made a couple of new videos that will be so helpful. In my latest video I compare the progress of a 5 frame nuc to a 3 pound package, both installed on the same day about two weeks ago. In this video you will learn:

How to "read" frames, how to evaluate queen cups, how to find your queen, how to find eggs. I'll also show you how to identify what's in the cells, such as pollen, nectar, honey, eggs, larvae, pupae and more.

Please watch this video right away so you can start keeping healthier bees and avoid horrible mistakes! Please subscribe and give me a thumbs up. Also in this video you're invited to leave a comment about future videos you'd like to see me make. Click on the video below.

Have you ever made a BIG mistake? When I first started keeping bees I made plenty of big mistakes. I've just made a video on 3 things I would have done differently. Check it out below:

Now that you are a beekeeper you may be faced with many questions. It's never too late to take one of our ONLINE beekeeping courses.