
Thursday, June 25, 2020

What Are The Early Warning Signs That Your Hive Is Preparing To Swarm?

We are David and Sheri Burns at Long Lane Honey Bee Farms,

If this is your first or second year in keeping bees, you probably have realized that there are always challenges.

Many of these challenges are baffling, like your queen started out laying well, but now you cannot find her and you can't find any brood. What the heck do you do now?

Not to mention thousands of varroa destructor mites are roaming through your hive biting your bees and spreading viruses that could potentially kill your bees in the winter. You do not realize it because you cannot see them that well.

Not to mention the other issues of when to add another deep or another super or should you place the super on top of the other super or below it? Or should you use a queen excluder? What do you do if the queen lays eggs in your honey super? When do you need to feed your bees? I hear these questions every day because I mentor over 200 beekeepers around the country through my beekeeping coaching program called BeeTeam6.

This week beekeepers have been sending me their pictures asking me what's happening to their hive. Many report good news, and ask questions about how to deal with healthy and rapidly expanding hives. I'm instructing them what to do next. They are so thankful to have a certified master beekeeper to seek advice from.

We can only take 2 more beekeepers into BeeTeam6. After that, you can sign up on our waiting list and if and when someone drops off we will work through our waiting list in the order that you signed up on the waiting list. Avoid the waitlist and sign up today! If beekeeping is more challenging than you thought, we can help!

Do You Know The Early Warning Signs That Your Hive Is Going To Swarm?

I've just made another video explaining why hives swarms and what to look for to detect a swarm before it happens. Please tell others about our beekeeping videos and subscribe and give us a thumbs up! Thank you

Click below to watch my newest beekeeping video just out!