
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Pros & Cons of Beekeeping

Before I talk about the pros and cons of beekeeping let me announce that we are extending our online course sale of %50 off. I normally do not send these emails out this close, but so many people took advantage of our Online Courses at 50% on Presidents Day and yet so many people contacted us the next day because they missed this sale. It was over before they read their email. Therefore, we decided to extend this sale through Friday at Midnight. Courses are listed below in this newsletter.

Recently, someone asked me the Pros and Cons of beekeeping. I thought that would be a great idea to answer this question. I'll start with the Pros. What are the positives of beekeeping?

1. Enjoyable Hobby. Being outside in the fresh air with nature and learning and exploring beekeeping is very good for our mental health. It keeps us active and thinking.

2. Expanding additional pollinators from our hive in our community helps everyone. Our bees will help pollinate our neighbor's flowers and garden up to 3 miles away.

3. Enjoying the wonderful taste of honey that came directly from your hives is very satisfying. Knowing that we are eating our very own honey that our bees made is so cool.

4. By keeping bees you are ensuring that honey bees continue on, and will be present for years to come. No one wants to see bees vanish. Beekeepers help keep bees strong and alive.

5. Meeting other beekeepers and making friends. Bee clubs, meetings and talking with a fellow beekeeper nurtures a social element that is important.

What Are The Cons, The Challenges?

1. Initial startup cost can seem a bit much to some. The hive, equipment and bees can total over $300-$400 the first year.

2. Keeping the hive healthy requires following an inspection regiment and a knowledge and understanding that can take years to master.

3. Quitting is easy. Some new beekeepers may lose their bees after their first year or two and throw in the towel rather than learning from mistakes and trying again.

4. Feeling all alone, not sure of your abilities and no one to help answer questions. Sometimes we are embarrassed to ask for help and we do not want to share our lack of knowledge and need for help.

Sheri Was Nominated "Remarkable Woman."

Recently, a local T.V. station ran a contest of remarkable women in the area and Sheri was chosen and they did a piece on her work with bees. Watch this 4 minute video clip below featuring Sheri, our family and Long Lane Honey Bee Farms:

Sheri and I answer beekeeping questions through emails and our business phones all day. Sheri answers most of the questions. Her knowledge and beekeeping skills are amazing. Sheri and I enjoy speaking together at conference and clubs, so if you are look for speakers, bring us in. Sheri's business degree helps her focuses on the beekeeping business side of things, and many times beekeepers are weak in this area. Sheri is able to share her beekeeping business plan, marketing techniques and social media strategies. Call our office to schedule us in your area. 217-427-2678.

Ultimate Beekeeping Course 50% Off
Includes: Basic Beekeeping Course, Spring Management Course, Getting Your Bees Through The Winter Course, Advance Beekeeping Course & How To Start Raising Your Own Queens Course.
Regularly $269 Now $134.50 until Midnight
* * * * Click here to order now! * * * *

Other Courses 50% Off:
Click On The Course To Order

Join David For His Next Two Courses At His Training Center:

Basic Beekeeping March 7th 1pm-6pm, only a few spots open. Register Today!

Spring Management April 4th 1pm-5pm

A Hive + Bees + Equipment + Fee Class

Look no further!! We will ship the hives and equipment now, then you come to pick up bees 4/25/20 (date can change so flexibility is required)

This is a new product, a Total Package!! Everything you need to get started in beekeeping today. Package includes:

1 Newbee Start Up Beehive (1 deep with 10 frames and foundation.

1 honey super with 10 frames and foundations.

1 premier inner cover

1 telescoping top cover

1 screen bottom board with entrance reducer) *Made In America by Illinois craftsmen *Top of the line quality * Completely Assembled * Painted and sealed twice *Ready to go right out of the box
             1 - 3 lb package of bees with queen (must be picked up ONLY on 4/25/20 at our Training Center in Fairmount IL. You will receive more info on bees.) AND A FREE CLASS!
            Order now and you will receive our Beginners Online Course, taught by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper David Burns (no substitutions, sorry). You can watch anytime and as often as you want. Provide valid email and check for video email. PLUS
             1 Smoker
             1 Hat with Veil
             1 entrance feeder with holed cap
             1 hive tool
             Priceless: All year customer service

Mystery Photo Contest

We've posted a mystery photo and we would like to present a challenge to see who can identify it correctly and provide the most detail in the cause, effects on bees and correction and or if it could have been prevented and how. The winner will receive a special love care kit from David and Sheri featuring a new hive tool, two feeding additive packages, a Burns Bees Feeding System and a FREE copy of David & Sheri's new beekeeping book when it is released late this summer.

Here's how it works:
1. Visit our link provided below and study the picture.
2. Once you think you are sure of your answer, send your answer to The winner will be selected based on the most complete and thorough answer. So do not just say what it is, give possible causes, effect if any on bees, corrective action and if and how it could have been prevented.

3. Here's the link: The picture is posted on our front page just scroll down.

Good Luck!