
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Pros & Cons of Beekeeping

Before I talk about the pros and cons of beekeeping let me announce that we are extending our online course sale of %50 off. I normally do not send these emails out this close, but so many people took advantage of our Online Courses at 50% on Presidents Day and yet so many people contacted us the next day because they missed this sale. It was over before they read their email. Therefore, we decided to extend this sale through Friday at Midnight. Courses are listed below in this newsletter.

Recently, someone asked me the Pros and Cons of beekeeping. I thought that would be a great idea to answer this question. I'll start with the Pros. What are the positives of beekeeping?

1. Enjoyable Hobby. Being outside in the fresh air with nature and learning and exploring beekeeping is very good for our mental health. It keeps us active and thinking.

2. Expanding additional pollinators from our hive in our community helps everyone. Our bees will help pollinate our neighbor's flowers and garden up to 3 miles away.

3. Enjoying the wonderful taste of honey that came directly from your hives is very satisfying. Knowing that we are eating our very own honey that our bees made is so cool.

4. By keeping bees you are ensuring that honey bees continue on, and will be present for years to come. No one wants to see bees vanish. Beekeepers help keep bees strong and alive.

5. Meeting other beekeepers and making friends. Bee clubs, meetings and talking with a fellow beekeeper nurtures a social element that is important.

What Are The Cons, The Challenges?

1. Initial startup cost can seem a bit much to some. The hive, equipment and bees can total over $300-$400 the first year.

2. Keeping the hive healthy requires following an inspection regiment and a knowledge and understanding that can take years to master.

3. Quitting is easy. Some new beekeepers may lose their bees after their first year or two and throw in the towel rather than learning from mistakes and trying again.

4. Feeling all alone, not sure of your abilities and no one to help answer questions. Sometimes we are embarrassed to ask for help and we do not want to share our lack of knowledge and need for help.

Sheri Was Nominated "Remarkable Woman."

Recently, a local T.V. station ran a contest of remarkable women in the area and Sheri was chosen and they did a piece on her work with bees. Watch this 4 minute video clip below featuring Sheri, our family and Long Lane Honey Bee Farms:

Sheri and I answer beekeeping questions through emails and our business phones all day. Sheri answers most of the questions. Her knowledge and beekeeping skills are amazing. Sheri and I enjoy speaking together at conference and clubs, so if you are look for speakers, bring us in. Sheri's business degree helps her focuses on the beekeeping business side of things, and many times beekeepers are weak in this area. Sheri is able to share her beekeeping business plan, marketing techniques and social media strategies. Call our office to schedule us in your area. 217-427-2678.

Ultimate Beekeeping Course 50% Off
Includes: Basic Beekeeping Course, Spring Management Course, Getting Your Bees Through The Winter Course, Advance Beekeeping Course & How To Start Raising Your Own Queens Course.
Regularly $269 Now $134.50 until Midnight
* * * * Click here to order now! * * * *

Other Courses 50% Off:
Click On The Course To Order

Join David For His Next Two Courses At His Training Center:

Basic Beekeeping March 7th 1pm-6pm, only a few spots open. Register Today!

Spring Management April 4th 1pm-5pm

A Hive + Bees + Equipment + Fee Class

Look no further!! We will ship the hives and equipment now, then you come to pick up bees 4/25/20 (date can change so flexibility is required)

This is a new product, a Total Package!! Everything you need to get started in beekeeping today. Package includes:

1 Newbee Start Up Beehive (1 deep with 10 frames and foundation.

1 honey super with 10 frames and foundations.

1 premier inner cover

1 telescoping top cover

1 screen bottom board with entrance reducer) *Made In America by Illinois craftsmen *Top of the line quality * Completely Assembled * Painted and sealed twice *Ready to go right out of the box
             1 - 3 lb package of bees with queen (must be picked up ONLY on 4/25/20 at our Training Center in Fairmount IL. You will receive more info on bees.) AND A FREE CLASS!
            Order now and you will receive our Beginners Online Course, taught by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper David Burns (no substitutions, sorry). You can watch anytime and as often as you want. Provide valid email and check for video email. PLUS
             1 Smoker
             1 Hat with Veil
             1 entrance feeder with holed cap
             1 hive tool
             Priceless: All year customer service

Mystery Photo Contest

We've posted a mystery photo and we would like to present a challenge to see who can identify it correctly and provide the most detail in the cause, effects on bees and correction and or if it could have been prevented and how. The winner will receive a special love care kit from David and Sheri featuring a new hive tool, two feeding additive packages, a Burns Bees Feeding System and a FREE copy of David & Sheri's new beekeeping book when it is released late this summer.

Here's how it works:
1. Visit our link provided below and study the picture.
2. Once you think you are sure of your answer, send your answer to The winner will be selected based on the most complete and thorough answer. So do not just say what it is, give possible causes, effect if any on bees, corrective action and if and how it could have been prevented.

3. Here's the link: The picture is posted on our front page just scroll down.

Good Luck!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Happy President's Day - 50% Off Online Courses

Until Midnight Tonight, Save 50% off all Online Beekeeping Courses

We are David and Sheri Burns at Long Lane Honey Bee Farms, ( located in Fairmount, Illinois. For today only we are offering an unbelievable savings of 50% off on our Online Courses. Take advantage of this saving as our way of helping you to become well educated and knowledgeable before you begin enjoying your bees soon.

Ultimate Beekeeping Course 50% Off
Includes: Basic Beekeeping Course, Spring Management Course, Getting Your Bees Through The Winter Course, Advance Beekeeping Course & How To Start Raising Your Own Queens Course.
Regularly $269 Now $134.50 until Midnight
* * * * Click here to order now! * * * *

Other Courses 50% Off:
Click On The Course To Order

If you've ever called our office you've more than likely talked to Sheri. Sheri is being featured on WCIA, a local channel, this Tuesday for her amazing accomplishments in her life. Sheri has spend most of her life enjoying raising our six children and now enjoying our 11 grandchildren. Before becoming a beekeeper and owning a beekeeping company Sheri worked as an educator. Sheri and I have been working this winter on our new beekeeping book that we are co-authoring together. We are so fortunate to have her overseeing our business. She adds so much and more recently she took it upon herself to develop new products for our customers. I encourage you to lend some support to Sheri's new items shown below and try them out:

All of us as beekeepers love to display our enjoyment with our hobby. Why not enjoy a warm drink in the winter with this beautiful tea or coffee cup showing bees at work. It's embossed with bees and honeycomb and adds rustic charm. Makes a nice gift for yourself or someone else. Order Now

Every cook needs a good wooden spoon but do you have one with displaying a bee and comb? Use it to whip up a batch of your favorite honey recipes. Wonderful gift. Includes shipping. Order Now

Beeswax Wraps for you do-it-yourselfers! Beeswax wraps are a good, recyclable product in place of plastic. It molds to containers or food by the warmth of your hands. Use it on jars, containers, or food (except meat and processed foods.) Can last one year.
Included are the instructions, waxing bars (beeswax, jojoba oil, pine resin), stirring stick, 3 squares of 100% cotton fabric of various colors and styles (or use your own favorite!). You supply the oven, baking sheets and brush. Fun project for do-it-yourselfers to preserve your food. Washing and care instructions also included.

One of my favorite tasting honey is spun honey. Sheri has her unique way to bring an awesome smoothness to this spun honey from our hives here at Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. Great in coffee, on toast or just when you want to sneak a teaspoon for an energy boost. Order Now

Beeswax wraps. Ingredients include beeswax, organic cotton, jojoba oil and tree resin. Use to wrap food and bowls (not recommended for meat). Seal by using the heat of your hands. Sustainable, reusable, washable (don't use it in the dishwasher, microwave or oven! Order Now

Join David For His Next Two Courses At His Training Center:

Basic Beekeeping March 7th 1pm-6pm, only a few spots open. Register Today!

Spring Management April 4th 1pm-5pm

A Hive + Bees + Equipment + Fee Class

Look no further!! We will ship the hives and equipment now, then you come to pick up bees 4/25/20 (date can change so flexibility is required)

This is a new product, a Total Package!! Everything you need to get started in beekeeping today. Package includes:

1 Newbee Start Up Beehive (1 deep with 10 frames and foundation.

1 honey super with 10 frames and foundations.

1 premier inner cover

1 telescoping top cover

1 screen bottom board with entrance reducer) *Made In America by Illinois craftsmen *Top of the line quality * Completely Assembled * Painted and sealed twice *Ready to go right out of the box
             1 - 3 lb package of bees with queen (must be picked up ONLY on 4/25/20 at our Training Center in Fairmount IL. You will receive more info on bees.) AND A FREE CLASS!
            Order now and you will receive our Beginners Online Course, taught by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper David Burns (no substitutions, sorry). You can watch anytime and as often as you want. Provide valid email and check for video email. PLUS
             1 Smoker
             1 Hat with Veil
             1 entrance feeder with holed cap
             1 hive tool
             Priceless: All year customer service

Here's our newest hive kit with package of bees! (BEES ARE PICK UP AT OUR CENTER IN FAIRMOUNT IL) One deep hive with 10 frames and foundation, 1 med super with 10 frames and foundations, premium inner cover, metal covered top cover, one entrance reducer, and FREE ENTRANCE FEEDER (although we think you'll want to switch to the 3 Season Burns Bees feeding system). Foundation colors vary.Great for the beginner to add more boxes to, or as a gift for the hobbyist in your life who wants to get started in beekeeping. Click Here To Order Now!

Nucs & Packages
We still have several packages available when purchased with our hive kits such as the one above. However, we are sold out of just single individual packages. We do have a few 5 frame Nucs available. Click here for more info on our locally raised 5 frame Nucs.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Oh No! Winter Is Returning - Batten Down The Hatches

We are David and Sheri Burns at Long Lane Honey Bee Farms

Batten Down The Hatches is a nautical term referring to preparing a ship for rough waters. Here in Illinois we've had a mild winter, but in just a day or two, 5" of snow is predicted and below zero chill factors at night. Many struggling colonies will not make it through this cold snap. Will it be your hives that perish? We had placed liquid feed on a few hives, but now we are taking them off and placing the Winter-Bee-Kinds back on. Wrap any questionable hives, if they are small or in a very windy spot.

Remove any liquid feeders and go back to winter-bee-kinds if this cold weather will be in your area. This raises an interesting thought. Why are bees dying?

Why Are Bees Dying?

A firm foundation in how to manage honey bees will greatly increase your colony's chances of survival. Below, I'll give several mistakes beekeepers make and I'll provide solutions and suggestions how you can have a more successful year.

The Bee Informed Partnership publishes their national survey results showing the percentage of colonies that die each year. From April 2018-April 2019 40.7 percent of colonies in the US died.

It's not just in the winter. During the summer 2018 season (1 April 2018 – 1 October 2018), an estimated 20.5% of colonies were lost. This is alarming, that out of 100 beekeepers, 20 will lose their hives between April and October before winter arrives.


Most beekeepers admit they make a mistake. They readily admit they fail to monitor their queen's laying pattern, or they fail to monitor and control varroa destructor. Many tell me they never learned how to identify eggs or find their queen. Some blame farm spray or a bad winter.

It's easier to blame chemical sprayers or the weather, rather than truly dive in and learn the management skills of keeping a colony alive and well throughout the year. Let's face it, our colonies need the best we can offer to keep them strong, healthy and alive.

Beekeepers losing nearly 50% of their colonies is unacceptable. It is my opinion that IF beekeepers were better educated and understood beekeeping more thoroughly, the number of colony losses could be greatly reduced.

Beekeeping should be fun, enjoyable and rewarding. However, many new beekeepers jump into beekeeping believing it is easy and requires very little effort on their part. As an EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, I speak with beekeepers throughout the country on a weekly bases. These conversations have led me to believe that most beekeepers could have much better success if they were more informed. This is actually good news, because this can be easily resolved. Beekeepers or prospective beekeepers should commit to taking a serious beekeeping course. By serious, I mean, not a YouTube video or a 1 hour presentation on honey bees. You need a solid instructor who can guide you through the challenges awaiting you.

1. Mistake #1 No Mentor
A well trained and knowledgeable mentor can be a tremendous help to you. They should have several years of successful beekeeping under their belt. They also have to be willing to be available when you need them. This is not always the case. If you do not have a mentor, consider becoming a Member of BeeTeam6.

This month, I'm presenting my material known as, "Hive Insight Is 20/20", providing you with videos and articles on how to get past your beekeeping limitations and advance into truly understanding how to best manage and succeed in beekeeping in 20/20.

For less than $5 a week, you will receive information, videos and access to me personally at any time. You can email, text or call me when you are unsure about your bees.

We have several openings and now would be a great time to join heading into spring and going through my material, "Hive Insight Is 20/20".

2. Mistake #2 Not Feeding Your Bees.
Keep Your Bees Healthy With The BURNS BEES FEEDING SYSTEM

No matter how well your bees come out of winter you MUST feed your bees to ensure a healthy start to 2020. Start feeding early as soon as bees start flying regularly. We invented and designed our feeder and they sell out every year. Order your feeder early. It is a great way to feed new packages, nucs or overwintered hives coming out of winter. Click here for more info: Burns Bees Feeding System. 

What Our Video Below On This Feeding System For Spring And Fall Feeding

3. Mistake #3 Lack of Knowledge & Education
Keep Your Bees Healthy By Reducing Mistakes, Blunders, Errors, Oversights and Slipups By Taking One Of Our Courses

Spring is only 37 days away. There is still time for you to get caught up on what you need to know. Your bees deserve the best you can offer.

Without a proper education in beekeeping, you may not be equipped to test and control mites every 30 days. You may not understand the best treatments for mites. By taking a course, you learn how to find the queen, how to evaluate her performance and what to do if she is failing. You learn how to identify a hungry hive and when and how to feed your bees correctly. You'll learn the power of reading a hive, knowing and accessing it with every inspection and what actions to take to put it back on the correct course.

If you want to take a face to face course in our training center located 40 miles East of Champaign, Illinois we have 3 spots open in our March 7th Beginners Course. This is on a Saturday from 1pm-6pm central time. Click Here To Grab The Last Few Seats! This course is taught by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns.

What if your bees survive winter but you make mistakes in the spring? Do you know how to make splits and when? Can you prevent a swarm? Should you feed in the spring and how and what mixture? Take our Spring Management Course

Do You Live Too Far Away For An Onsite Course?
Take The Same Classes Online
From The Comfort Of Your Home
On Your Own Schedule - Save On Travel

EAS Certified Master Beekeeper highly recommends you take his Ultimate Beekeeping Course. This is all of his ONLINE BEEKEEPING COURSES COMBINED 

These are video courses taught by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns

Enjoy from your smartphone, Internet TV, Computer, or Tablet. Once you purchase this course, it is yours to enjoy forever at your own pace, in private, from the comfort of your home.

"Hi, I'm EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. Join me in this online course and Receive the training and knowledge you need to increase your chances of keeping your bees alive. Once completed, I will personally send you a certificate of completion of your studies, suitable for framing."

Nucs & Packages
We still have several packages available when purchased with our hive kits such as the one above. However, we are sold out of just single individual packages. We do have a few 5 frame Nucs available. Click here for more info on our locally raised 5 frame Nucs.

Here's our newest hive kit with package of bees! (BEES ARE PICK UP AT OUR CENTER IN FAIRMOUNT IL) One deep hive with 10 frames and foundation, 1 med super with 10 frames and foundations, premium inner cover, metal covered top cover, one entrance reducer, and FREE ENTRANCE FEEDER (although we think you'll want to switch to the 3 Season Burns Bees feeding system). Foundation colors vary.Great for the beginner to add more boxes to, or as a gift for the hobbyist in your life who wants to get started in beekeeping. Click Here To Order Now!