
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Join Us For Coffee

We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and Only 6 days until the first day of spring. Heavy snow in some parts of the US makes it hard to believe. I've removed my winter-bee-kinds and have started feeding my colonies 1:1 sugar water containing my new ingredients with very positive results.

SOCIAL HOUR (Noon - 1pm)
SAT. MARCH 30TH  1pm- 5pm
Honey Tasting
Mead Sampling
David's Special Coffee*
*David will be roasting, grinding and making his special coffee in a French press for this event. This coffee will be Yirgacheffe grown in Ethiopia at an elevation of around 6,000 feet.

Come join us for this special social hour before our Spring Management Course. You do not have to attend the course to enjoy social hour. EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns will be mingling and answering beekeeping questions.

Spots are still available for this ONSITE SPRING MANAGEMENT COURSE. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER. Once your bees survive the winter, knowing what to do next is crucial. When to split? How to prevent swarming? When to add supers? Join us for this exciting spring class.

For over a decade David has produced YouTube videos on beekeeping. His newest video is a basic "How To Start Beekeeping". This is NOT a basic class by no stretch of the imagination. Basic classes take hours to fully cover all there is to know to keep bees successfully. However, this video is a way to help people wrap their mind around what steps to take to pursue beekeeping.

How To Start Beekeeping
The Perfect Spring Feeding Approach 
In a perfect world we would not have to feed bees. We do not live in a perfect world but we do believe we have the perfect spring feeding solution. The Burns Bees Feeding System is a unique way to feed packages, splits or struggling overwintered colonies.  Here's why it is so effective:

1. Bees are fed from the top. During late winter or early spring colonies still cluster when outside temperatures drop below 50 degrees (f). Whether you are feeding a new split, nuc, new package or a struggling overwintered colony it is best to feed from the top. During cold snaps bees will not break cluster to go down to an entrance feeder. However, our system feeds the top of the cluster where the heat helps keeps the sugar water warm.

2. The feeding holes for the jars and pollen patties are screened. This means when you change out your jars or patties all the bees are held below the screen.

3. Since our feeder has two jar holes and one pollen pattie slot, you can also cover or open these to control moisture in late winter and early spring. 

4. Save them for fall as they are a great way to feed your bees in the fall too.

5. Available for 10 or 8 frame hives.

Burns Bees Feeding System Video

Beekeepers around the country have been enjoying our online beekeeping courses and it is so rewarding to sign certificates of achievements every day. 

Save the travel expenses of hotels, gas and food. No juggling schedules. Study at your own pace, when you have time. Study in the comfort of your home. Our Online Courses:

Knowing What To Do In The Spring Can Be Confusing?
Knowing what to do and when is the tricky part of beekeeping. You may not realize that it is harmful to rotate the hive bodies in the spring if there is any brood in the lower box. When can you rotate? Let me be your mentor. I have a special mentorship program called BeeTeam6 where you can call, email or text me concerns or questions about your bees. Plus you receive regular tips and instructional beekeeping video. Even if you are not keeping bees yet, this is perfect to help you gain the education you need before you start. Or if you are starting this year, why gain the extra peace of mind by having a Certified Master Beekeeper to consult. 
We are glad you are keeping bees or thinking about it. Thank you for supporting our family business for all your beekeeping needs.


David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms