
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Beekeepers Are Scrambling

Beekeepers Are Scrambling
It's Red Alert For Beekeepers
Sharpen Your Skills
Hi, we are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms, Our phones are ringing off the hook. Beekeepers are scrambling. Why? Many are frantically trying to buy beekeeping equipment and bees. Others are finding out, after they purchased their new equipment and bees, that their city requires beekeepers to complete a beekeeping class offered only by certified master beekeepers. Beekeepers are also panicking to find the time and equipment to deal with making splits or catching swarms from overwintered colonies.

When you are in a state of red alert it's hard to enjoy the moment and even to keep everything straight in your head. In this newsletter we want to help you enjoy your passion of beekeeping and to keep it SIMPLE!

Sharpen Your Skills

Hi, I'm David Burns and I'm a certified master beekeeper, certified by the grandfather of master beekeeper programs EAS, Eastern Apicultural Society of North America. When I first started beekeeping in the early 90s I didn't know up from down about honey bees. I thought I did until my bees arrived. Then I realized I was in trouble. I made so many horrible mistakes. It was embarrassing.

I want you to avoid mistakes and embarrassment. I coach and mentor 200 beekeepers through a partnership program I started several years ago known as BEETEAM6. This group of beekeepers can call me on my personal cell phone, text me or send me emails when they have questions. Their input has allow me to understand the struggles and limitations beekeepers face every day. When I respond to assist them I always keep it simple and precise. Beekeeping can quickly become complicated and very confusing. Before I share some tips on how to simplify beekeeping, let me invite you to come see us this Saturday.

SOCIAL HOUR (Noon - 1pm)
There is still room to sign up for the Spring Management Course This Saturday. Click Here
Honey Tasting
Mead Sampling
David's Special Coffee*
*David will be roasting, grinding and making his special coffee in a French press for this event. This coffee will be Yirgacheffe grown in Ethiopia at an elevation of around 6,000 feet.
Come join us for this special social hour before our Spring Management Course. You do not have to attend the course to enjoy social hour. EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns will be mingling and answering your beekeeping questions.
Once your bees survive the winter, knowing what to do next is crucial. When to split? How to prevent swarming? When to add supers? Join us for this exciting spring class.

Last weekend I spoke in Chicago and spent the day with a couple hundred beekeepers. I quickly discovered that the majority of beekeepers present were either starting this year or have kept bees less than a year. At these events I am asked many questions which reveals to me that most beekeepers are so confused. So many new beekeepers are so frustrated because they cannot get a simple, straight forward answer.

  • How Do I Treat For Mites?
  • Should I Use A Queen Excluder?
  • When And What Should I Feed My Bees?
  • What Kind Of Hive Should I Start With?
  • Which Type Of Bee Is Best To Start With?

Beekeeping appears complicated because there are many different opinions.

I've spent my whole life presenting information so I learned at a young age it is essential to keep your information simple so your audience can not only understand what you are communicating but can apply it to their lives. Here's my tips:

1. Start With 2 Hives.

2. Take A Class.

3. Do Not Search For The Perfect Package, Nuc Or Queen. Become A Better Beekeeper.

4. Feed Your Bees Whenever You Do Not Have Honey Supers On The Hive.

5. Test For Mites Every 30 Days.

6. Use Non-Chemical Approaches To Mite Control Unless Your Levels Rise Above Acceptable Thresholds.

7. Feed Your Bees In The Winter.

8. Help Your Bees Raise Lots Of Brood In The Fall To Survive Winter.

9. Monitor The Laying Pattern Of Your Queen Every 2 Weeks. Replace Her When She Shows Signs Of Failing.

10. Do Not Stress Out, Enjoy Beekeeping.

We Are Passionate About Beekeeping

Sheri and I have dedicated over a decade of our lives helping beekeepers. We do not have other jobs. We make our living by training beekeepers and selling equipment. When you take one of our classes or purchase your beekeeping equipment from us, we are so thankful as this allows us to continue to offer our knowledge and skills to the beekeeping community. Our world needs these precious pollinators. Honey bees play a major role in the balance of nature. We believe what we do is huge, much larger than just offering classes, bees and equipment. We are passionate! Please support our efforts. Thank you.

New Beginners Onsite Course

This year we held several new beginners courses. However, several have called and want to come to our training center and take a beginners course. Even though we are finished with our beginner courses for the year, we have decided to see if we are able to find enough interested students. If you are interested in this Basic Beekeeping Course in April, call us and let us know. 217-427-2678

Or you can take our Online Beginners Course by clicking here.

What Are You Missing By Not Being Part Of BEETEAM6?

David assists 200 beekeepers around the country by taking their calls, emails or text when they have beekeeping questions. He also sends out teachings and private video lessons to BeeTeam6 members.

What are you missing? Today, David will being sending BEETEAM6 members information on Oxalic acid for mite control. Is it a worthwhile treatment option? Is it safe? Is it too hard on bees? Does it really work?

You are also missing out on being able to have a certified master beekeeper on the other end of your phone. There will be struggles. You will see things that confuse you.

Join today for 6 months and this will carry you from April through September. Wouldn't it calm your worries to know you have an EAS Certified Master Beekeeper a phone call away?

Bees & Kits Left??

There is still time to get started. This kit comes painted, assembled and ready to go. Kit includes: a screen bottom board, two deep hive bodies, a honey super, and a package of bees with a mated queen. It also comes with a total of 30 strong, wooden frames with beeswax coated plastic foundation. Also includes:
Cloth hat and veil combo, hive tool, smoker, and a queen excluder.

We Open At 10 a.m.
Central Time Today
Give Us A Call


Long Lane Honey Bee Farms located in east central Illinois

David & Sheri Burns
Business Hours:
Tues. - Thurs 10 a.m. - 4:30
Friday & Saturday 10 a.m. - Noon