We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and Honeybeesonline.com.
Our 3 pound packages of bees with a mated queen go on sale January 1, 2019 around midnight. Only 18 days! They sell out very fast. Set your calendars and be ready to place your orders.
To order your packages click here on January 1, 2019. It says "Sold Out" currently because it represents last year. But as of January 1, the sold out will disappear and say "Add To Cart" instead. So watch for that to change.
Our customers are finding that their bees are enjoying the winter-bee-kinds so much and are eating through them quickly. Do not let them go empty. Your bees are becoming dependent on this powerful source of nutrition. Make sure you always have a winter-bee-kind on your hive that is not empty!! Also, our Winter-Bee-Kinds come with a recipe so you can refill them as needed. ORDER NOW WHILE THEY ARE AVAILABLE
YouTube Videos
I love making YouTube videos on beekeeping. In fact, I made my first beekeeping video on YouTube over a decade ago. Ten years later we have ove 15,000 subscribers and over 3 MILLION CHANNEL VIEWS.
I just made another video last week that has gone crazy! I demonstrated what bees are doing now in the winter and how to feed them in the winter. I want you to watch it AND, PLEASE give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. By subscribing you'll be notified everytime I produce a new beekeeping video, and I'm making another one this weekend. In my most recent video, I found one colony that had eaten all of their winter-bee-kind and another one that had consumed an entire
full honey super that I left on top. If I had not added my winter-bee-kind, they would have starved. You will see these discoveries in my new video below:
Sheri and I work hard to help new beekeeper get started in beekeeping. We have a specific area on our website to help newbies get started in beekeeping. Check it out by clicking here. You may want to guide a friend to that page.
You can purchase a gift certificate online by clicking here. This is a great idea for someone you know who loves beekeeping but you aren't sure what they would like. Also, they can be used for purchasing packages of bees online as well. Just go to our website and follow the "gift certificate link" at the top of the page.
This bundle is for 3 of my top courses:
Basic Beekeeping - Fundamentals
A Day In The Apiary - Hands On In The Bee Yard
Getting Your Bees Through The Winter - Preparing Your Bees All Year For Winter
These three courses will give you the information you need to be successful. Basic Beekeeping will ground you in the fundamentals. The Day In The Apiary will show you what to do out in the bee yard. Getting Your Bees Through The Winter will help you prepare your bees for winter. Save money when purchasing these courses as a bundle. Click here to order now.
I'm so happy to see so many beekeepers taking my online classes and earning their certificates of completion.
Our website is known as one of the premier informational websites on beekeeping.
Here are a few articles that may help answer some questions:
How To Buy A Bee Hive? There are so many different types of hives today and configurations. We have taken the guesswork out and have put together some easy to understand kits...READ MORE
Is It Safe To Start With Used Equipment? I love to save a buck, who doesn't? But is it safe to use someone else's beekeeping equipment? There are many diseases that can be transferred from used equipment...READ MORE
How To Keep Your Bees From Becoming Aggressive. Everyone wants to have a good experience in beekeeping. It is never fun when your bees become aggressive. There are many ways to prevent this...READ MORE
How Many Hives To Start With. Deciding on how many hives to start with can be a tough decision. It is always better to start with two because...READ MORE
Our January 26 (8am - 1pm) Basic Beginners class has 5 openings remaining. This is taught by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns, at our training center near Fairmount, Illinois which is 40 miles east of Champaign. Hotel accommodations can be found in Champaign or Danville, Illinois. Click here to grab these spots.
Thank you!
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms is a family beekeeping business designed to encourage, assist and educate others in the wonderful experience of beekeeping. Visit Our Website at: www.honeybeesonline.com Our photos and materials cannot be used without our permission.