
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Packages Of Bees Go On Sale In Less Than 36 Hours

We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and Ben Franklin said, "Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours and let each new year, find you a better man". Happy New Years! 

A new year is less than 36 hours away and January 1st represents the start of a new beekeeping year. Some of you will start beekeeping for the first time. Others are hoping your bees will overwinter well and you will see your bees in the spring. Beekeeping is more than just keeping bees. Beekeeping helps us develop  good life habits such as being outdoors, being active, learning and learning the art of sustainable success. Besides all that, beekeeping is a hoot!

Our 15,700+ subscribers on YouTube have taken up quite the interest in a little struggling hive, seeing if it will make it through winter. I did the unthinkable the day after Christmas. Against everything I teach, I inspected it in the winter. Actually, I was careful not to chill any brood, but you should never inspect a hive in cold climates. I did anyway and you've got to watch this video to see what I found!

Inspecting A Beehive In Winter
Packages Of Bees 
Go Live January 1st at 12:00 a.m. 

Our packages of bees sell out quickly so we want to encourage you to spend the next day considering your online purchases, how many packages you need, hive kits and other equipment. To make this step easier, we've created a check off list on our mail page at  Review this check off list to ensure you have all your bases covered. It's located just below our package bee image on our main page. Just a word of caution. So many people have their finger on the mouse button as soon as they go live. Within just a few days we sell over half of the available bees, then they quickly sell out, so do not delay. We've seen so many people disappointed when they find out we are sold out. So this is our way of informing you how it works.

Visit our website and read our insightful beekeeping tips, new every few days. Today's insight is about natural beekeeping and David explains the new paradigm in beekeeping. You'll find them on our main page, just scroll down a little and look for BEEKEEPING INSIGHTS.

Between now and spring many of you will be getting started in beekeeping for the first time. So be sure and enjoy some of our videos:

Our Hives Are Amish Made Here In Illinois Just For Long Lane

Included in this LIBERTY KIT is, 1 Complete Hive plus supplies. 1 -3 lb package of bees with a mated queen. (Bees must be picked up at our location in Fairmount, IL, see below for more information).   Look at all that is included in this special offer.

This is a huge savings, our way of inviting others to take the plunge and do something good for our environment as well enjoyable a fun hobby. And, wouldn't it be nice to have your own honey to enjoy or sell? The hives are fully assembled and coated with 2 coats of exterior high quality latex paint.
In our LIBERTY KIT you will receive:
One complete hive. This hive includes the following:
1 Screen bottom board with entrance cleat.
1 Entrance feeder
2 Deep Hive Bodies. This is the area where the bees live. Each deep hive body comes complete with 10 wooden frames with full 3/8 side bars, and are glued and stapled. Plus each frame is already assembled with plastic beeswax coated foundation. This is a total of 20 deep hive body frames.
1 Medium Honey Super. This is where the bees store their excess honey that you can remove. This super comes with 10 wooden frames, glued and stapled, fully assembled with plastic beeswax coated foundation.
1 Inner cover. This goes on top of the boxes, but beneath the final top cover. This high-quality inner cover allows for upper ventilation and a vapor barrier.
1 Telescoping Top Cover. This is the final top cover with nice white metal to help protect it from the weather and keeps that nice white look without rusting.
1 Cloth Hat and Veil combo.
1 Hive tool.
1 Smoker
1 Queen Excluder, used to keep the queen from entering into the upper super.

These hives are built right here in Central Illinois. We are a small American business with an EAS certified Master Beekeeper to help answer your questions.

It is essential that we feed bees in the winter. Even if you think there is enough honey in the hive, who really knows if they will eat it all and then starve. Don't take that chance. Click here to watch my recent video on how quickly a hive can consume a winter-bee-kind.

If you are refilling your winter-bee-kinds or getting ready for spring and need pollen powder to add to your sugar feeders, consider our 1/2 containers. It doesn't take much to give your bees the protein they need.

Thank you for your businesses!
David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Farms

Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Holidays and Some Honey Recipes

Yes, that's a picture of Sheri and me in 1977 in Paris, Illinois. I'm 17 and Sheri is 15, just kids back then. Little did we know that 41 years later we'd have 6 children and 11 grandchildren AND BE RUNNING A BEE BUSINESS.

Sheri and I love working our bee business together. They say for a husband and wife to work together you have to really be in love. This is all we do, our only source of making a living for our family and it is tough at times. Last year two large bee businesses closed and that's sad. So we always appreciate it so much when you decide to purchase your beekeeping supplies from a small, family business. Thank you!



It is crazy how fast this year has flown. It seemed like only the other day it was Thanksgiving. We have been very blessed this year, have all been healthy, have grown closer to friends, family and customers.

To our customers, thank you for doing business with us, keeping us busy and fed, and supporting us by recommending us to others or mentioning us in your bee clubs, blogs, tweets, and facebook statuses. Thank you so much!

Another New YouTube Video Published Today
I've just posted a new beekeeping video on YouTube. It is amazing because I followed up on my hives after one week to see how they are responding to the winter-bee-kind feeding systems. You will be amazed, and I'll show you how to move a hive in the winter as well. Enjoy the video!


If you’ve followed our blog long, you know that Sheri loves to cook and she has shared many holiday recipes which include honey. Have you ever made creamed honey? It's easy and fun to make and can be something fun to do during the holiday and can make regular honey into a great holiday gift...READ MORE

Don't Be A Sicky This Season
Tis the season to catch the flu. There are so many views regarding the health benefits of honey. Is there any truth to these claims?...Read More


This is all of our ONLINE BEEKEEPING VIDEO COURSES COMBINED in one bundled package. EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns spent January through September of 2018 working very hard developing these online courses:

Still unsure? Read the reviews from some of our students:

 "I feel I have learned a lot from your online spring management course! You have done a great job and I look forward to the queen bee course!"   Yasmin, Canada
 "I have finished all lessons from your online beginners course. Really great and have learned a lot....I plan on continuing with some of your other courses."   Dennis, Georgia
 "Just wanted to let you know that I am thoroughly enjoying the Spring Management online class. I'm gonna add the others soon!"  
Dan, Missouri 
 "David is so knowledgeable and teaches to my level as a new beekeeper. He is also very encouraging. Very much appreciated." 
Rick, Illinois

More Holiday Cooking with Honey Recipes
by Sheri Burns

I love cooking. My grandma is actually the one who taught me to cook. She was a grade school cafeteria cook, and this was back in the day when the lunches coming out of the cafeteria were really homemade. I remember begging my grandma to teach me how to make a chocolate cake when I was maybe 8 years old, and she did. There are just some foods you can not live without during the Holidays. I love mulled apple cider with honey added to it, or have you tried hot cocoa with honey stirred into it? Pumpkin pie made with honey instead of sugar is delicious. We got the most wonderful peaches from Georgia this year and here is the simplest peach pie...READ MORE

Even though we have had hundreds of students take our ONLINE COURSES, our onsite classes still fill up because some people want to come take a class at our Bee Farm. Here's our upcoming onsite classes for 2018:

Beginner Beekeeper's Courses


How To Inspect A Hive VIDEO

David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Don't Let Your Winter-Bee-Kinds Run Empty

We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and 

Our 3 pound packages of bees with a mated queen go on sale January 1, 2019 around midnight. Only 18 days! They sell out very fast. Set your calendars and be ready to place your orders.

To order your packages click here on January 1, 2019. It says "Sold Out" currently because it represents last year. But as of January 1, the sold out will disappear and say "Add To Cart" instead. So watch for that to change.

Our customers are finding that their bees are enjoying the winter-bee-kinds so much and are eating through them quickly. Do not let them go empty. Your bees are becoming dependent on this powerful source of nutrition. Make sure you always have a winter-bee-kind on your hive that is not empty!! Also, our Winter-Bee-Kinds come with a recipe so you can refill them as needed. ORDER NOW WHILE THEY ARE AVAILABLE


YouTube Videos 

I love making YouTube videos on beekeeping. In fact, I made my first beekeeping video on YouTube over a decade ago. Ten years later we have ove 15,000 subscribers and over 3 MILLION CHANNEL VIEWS. 

I just made another video last week that has gone crazy! I demonstrated what bees are doing now in the winter and how to feed them in the winter. I want you to watch it AND, PLEASE give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. By subscribing you'll be notified everytime I produce a new beekeeping video, and I'm making another one this weekend. In my most recent video, I found one colony that had eaten all of their winter-bee-kind and another one that had consumed an entire
full honey super that I left on top. If I had not added my winter-bee-kind, they would have starved. You will see these discoveries in my new video below:

Winter May Kill Your Bees

Sheri and I work hard to help new beekeeper get started in beekeeping. We have a specific area on our website to help newbies get started in beekeeping. Check it out by clicking here. You may want to guide a friend to that page. 

You can purchase a gift certificate online by clicking here. This is a great idea for someone you know who loves beekeeping but you aren't sure what they would like. Also, they can be used for purchasing packages of bees online as well. Just go to our website and follow the "gift certificate link" at the top of the page.

This bundle is for 3 of my top courses:

Basic Beekeeping - Fundamentals 
A Day In The Apiary - Hands On In The Bee Yard 
Getting Your Bees Through The Winter - Preparing Your Bees All Year For Winter

These three courses will give you the information you need to be successful. Basic Beekeeping will ground you in the fundamentals.  The Day In The Apiary will show you what to do out in the bee yard. Getting Your Bees Through The Winter will help you prepare your bees for winter. Save money when purchasing these courses as a bundle. Click here to order now.

I'm so happy to see so many beekeepers taking my online classes and earning their certificates of completion.


Our website is known as one of the premier informational websites on beekeeping. 

Here are a few articles that may help answer some questions:

How To Buy A Bee Hive? There are so many different types of hives today and configurations. We have taken the guesswork out and have put together some easy to understand kits...READ MORE

Is It Safe To Start With Used Equipment? I love to save a buck, who doesn't? But is it safe to use someone else's beekeeping equipment? There are many diseases that can be transferred from used equipment...READ MORE

How To Keep Your Bees From Becoming Aggressive. Everyone wants to have a good experience in beekeeping. It is never fun when your bees become aggressive. There are many ways to prevent this...READ MORE

How Many Hives To Start With. Deciding on how many hives to start with can be a tough decision. It is always better to start with two because...READ MORE

Our January 26 (8am - 1pm) Basic Beginners class has 5 openings remaining. This is taught by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns, at our training center near Fairmount, Illinois which is 40 miles east of Champaign. Hotel accommodations can be found in Champaign or Danville, Illinois. Click here to grab these spots. 

I'd like to ask a favor. Watch our most recent video on feeding bees in the winter and then SUBSCRIBE and LIKE it. The red arrows show where to click when you are watching the video. We appreciate it so much!

Thank you!

The Amazon Alexa/Echo is always a phenomenal hit for the holiday season. If you own one or are getting one this Christmas you can now listen to a beekeeping tip from certified master beekeeper David Burns. These are updated almost daily.  Just go to your Alexa skills and look for us under Beekeeping and add it to your daily flash briefing.

Our Hives Are Amish Made Here In Illinois Just For Long Lane

Included in this LIBERTY KIT is, 1 Complete Hive plus supplies. 1 -3 lb package of bees with a mated queen. (Bees must be picked up at our location in Fairmount, IL, see below for more information).   Look at all that is included in this special offer.

This is a huge savings, our way of inviting others to take the plunge and do something good for our environment as well enjoyable a fun hobby. And, wouldn't it be nice to have your own honey to enjoy or sell? The hives are fully assembled and coated with 2 coats of exterior high quality latex paint.
In our LIBERTY KIT you will receive:
One complete hive. This hive includes the following:
1 Screen bottom board with entrance cleat.
1 Entrance feeder
2 Deep Hive Bodies. This is the area where the bees live. Each deep hive body comes complete with 10 wooden frames with full 3/8 side bars, and are glued and stapled. Plus each frame is already assembled with plastic beeswax coated foundation. This is a total of 20 deep hive body frames.
1 Medium Honey Super. This is where the bees store their excess honey that you can remove. This super comes with 10 wooden frames, glued and stapled, fully assembled with plastic beeswax coated foundation.
1 Inner cover. This goes on top of the boxes, but beneath the final top cover. This high-quality inner cover allows for upper ventilation and a vapor barrier.
1 Telescoping Top Cover. This is the final top cover with nice white metal to help protect it from the weather and keeps that nice white look without rusting.
1 Cloth Hat and Veil combo.
1 Hive tool.
1 Smoker
1 Queen Excluder, used to keep the queen from entering into the upper super.

These hives are built right here in Central Illinois. We are a small American business with an EAS certified Master Beekeeper to help answer your questions.

David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms

Friday, December 7, 2018

Trial & Error In Beekeeping Is So Expensive

We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and 

Trial and error is a very costly way to start keeping bees, both in time and money. When I started beekeeping in the early 90s, I wasted so much money and time buying what I thought I needed but then didn't know for sure how to use it, when to put it on or take it off. Your bees deserve the best from you, that is your ability to gain knowledge to care for them as they deserve.

I heard someone say that trying to learn something through trial and error is so pre-90s.  Today, we live in a much better time for gaining information and making well informed decisions. When I grew up the only place I could find out anything was either our family's encyclopedia or the library.Those books became quickly outdated. Remember those days too?

Sheri and I have such a love and passion not only for honey bees, but for beekeepers! Every day we help beekeepers all across the US. There is no reason in our day to struggle in beekeeping, not knowing what to do or how to do things right.

I worked so hard producing 6 online classes to help beekeepers gain the knowledge they need to know how to be successful. I'm excited to see so many beekeepers taking my classes and earning their certificates of completions. It's rewarding to sit down everyday and sign more certificates. It gives me gratitude knowing that more people are ready to start beekeeping. 

I just made a new bundle for the beekeeper who is just starting or has kept bees for a few years but needs a bush up. 

This bundle is for 3 of my top courses:

Basic Beekeeping - Fundamentals 
A Day In The Apiary - Hands On In The Bee Yard 
Getting Your Bees Through The Winter - Preparing Your Bees All Year For Winter

These three courses will give you the information you need to be successful. Basic Beekeeping will ground you in the fundamentals.  The Day In The Apiary will show you what to do out in the bee yard. Getting Your Bees Through The Winter will help you prepare your bees for winter. Save money when purchasing these courses as a bundle. Click here to order now. 

Still not convinced? Read testimonials from some of our students by clicking here.

I am so excited to be able to stay in close contact with beekeepers who need help and guidance as they get into beekeeping. Let me share a secret with you. Many beekeepers want to figure things out on their own. They order something from Amazon or a farm store and they get it home, stare at it and scratch their head. They try and gain information but cannot find support. They turn to YouTube and find so many different opinions and have to watch some wacky videos because they started searching for beekeeping, but somehow got side tracked and started watching plane crashes or cleaning tile grout. 

Then they call us to ask what to do. I get it. I'm sorta that way too. Some people bought flow hives or top bar hives and now they aren't sure of management techniques. I'm here to help. I don't really care how you got started and I don't care what hive you started with. Let me be your coach. This program is for the person who knows nothing or the experienced beekeeper. I'm your coach. I'll meet you at your level of knowledge and we'll go from there. 

There is no need to stumble and struggle to figure out beekeeping. Start right, start knowing what you are doing. When you become part of Beeteam6, you are given my personal cell phone and my personal email to contact me with your concerns or questions. And I'll send you a regular video and beekeeping tip. Sign Up Now

You are going to waste so much time and money trying to figure this thing out on your own. I've figured it out. Let me be your mentor. I learned the hard way, made the mistakes and now I know better. Take advantage of my experience, my mistakes, my knowledge and *certification. 

*In 2010 I passed my examines and became a Certified Master Beekeeper by the Eastern Apicultural Society of North American. This master beekeeper program was started by Roger Morse a Cornell University entomology professor who brought the science of apiculture to the practice of beekeeping. This program has been under the direction of such beekeeping notiables as Dr. Clarence Collison and Dr. Dewey Caron. Click here to read about my journey.

Will Your Bees Starve This Winter? Get Your Winter-Bee-Kinds On Now! Watch the video then ORDER HERE

Healthy Bees
1. Winter Losses can be minimized with a good queen, varroa reduction and strong colonies with sufficient pollen and honey resources. So often a colony dies because the beekeeper did not monitor...READ MORE

Complete "How To" Test For Mites
Testing for varroa mites can be labor intense and is often not practiced by many new beekeepers. This leads to many colonies perishing during the winter. There are many methods available to test for mites. There is the alcohol roll, the sticky board test and the powdered sugar test. You may find that...READ MORE

Winter Bees
Smaller winter clusters consume more resources per bee than larger clusters. Bees can identify temperature differences as small as 0.45 (f). Very small clusters cannot survive temperatures 45 (f) and below. The winter cluster prefers dark comb and usually avoids new comb. Varroa mites, small hive beetles and trachea mites also survive within the warmth...READ MORE

Different Types of Honey Bees
Italian- Apis mellifera ligustica GOOD TRAITS: Very gentle, good brood pattern, isn't so prone to swarm as much, great honey producer, light on excess propolis and makes nice looking white comb honey. A great bee for someone new to beekeeping. POOR TRAITS: Can drift between hives and not find...READ MORE
Many of you will be getting started in beekeeping for the first time soon. Others are still real new at this. So be sure and enjoy some of our videos:

Our Hives Are Amish Made Here In Illinois Just For Long Lane

Included in this LIBERTY KIT is, 1 Complete Hive plus supplies. 1 -3 lb package of bees with a mated queen. (Bees must be picked up at our location in Fairmount, IL, see below for more information).   Look at all that is included in this special offer.

This is a huge savings, our way of inviting others to take the plunge and do something good for our environment as well enjoyable a fun hobby. And, wouldn't it be nice to have your own honey to enjoy or sell? The hives are fully assembled and coated with 2 coats of exterior high quality latex paint.
In our LIBERTY KIT you will receive:
One complete hive. This hive includes the following:
1 Screen bottom board with entrance cleat.
1 Entrance feeder
2 Deep Hive Bodies. This is the area where the bees live. Each deep hive body comes complete with 10 wooden frames with full 3/8 side bars, and are glued and stapled. Plus each frame is already assembled with plastic beeswax coated foundation. This is a total of 20 deep hive body frames.
1 Medium Honey Super. This is where the bees store their excess honey that you can remove. This super comes with 10 wooden frames, glued and stapled, fully assembled with plastic beeswax coated foundation.
1 Inner cover. This goes on top of the boxes, but beneath the final top cover. This high-quality inner cover allows for upper ventilation and a vapor barrier.
1 Telescoping Top Cover. This is the final top cover with nice white metal to help protect it from the weather and keeps that nice white look without rusting.
1 Cloth Hat and Veil combo.
1 Hive tool.
1 Smoker
1 Queen Excluder, used to keep the queen from entering into the upper super.

These hives are built right here in Central Illinois. We are a small American business with an EAS certified Master Beekeeper to help answer your questions.

David & Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms