
Thursday, October 11, 2018

My Most Embarrassing Beekeeping Mistakes

No one likes being embarrassed. We have our egos and our reputations to protect. We want people to like us and value our advice and opinions so we hide those embarrassing moments. When we slip on the ice we get up wondering if anyone saw us. 

I want to share some embarrassing beekeeping moments I've experienced over the years. Let's face it, we all make mistakes. None of us are without flaws, right?

Before I tell you my bigger mistakes, let me tell you of some of my smaller mistakes. For many years, I tried to keep bees without being concerned about mites. I ignored mites and felt I could dodge the bullet and mites would never be an issue. WRONG! It took me years of losing hives to finally learn that if I want my hives to survive, I had to battle mites. I use to think that if my bees were strong all summer and had honey in the hive, they'd make it through winter. WRONG
AGAIN! It took me years of research, trial and error to finally figure out that colonies need protein all winter, not just sugar.  

I've done every embarrassing thing possible. I've accidently dropped a frame full of bees, accidently killed a queen, knocked over a hive while mowing, left a door open into the extraction room during lunch, forgot to close the extractor gate, etc. 

One of my more embarrassing moments was during one of my beekeeping classes. We were out in the field inspecting a hive and it was going really well. Sometimes when I remove a deep or a super I place it on the ground on the short side, usually the front side on the ground. The handles on this super were in the middle. I had just explained to the class that before you pick up a super from this position, make sure you know which way is up. I did it wrong, and picked up the super upside down and all the frames with the bees fell out of my super. I grabbed my smoker and started picking up all the frames and bees were everywhere.

Another embarrassing moment happened when Sheri and I were inspecting our hives that were about 30 miles a part. These hives were pollinating pumpkins. During the drive between yards, I failed to block off my smoker and it burned out and I was completely out of fuel from my first inspection. 

We were in a really old F150 and I parked it near the hives. Our son, Christian, was in his car seat between me and Sheri. I got out and decided to just remove the supers without smoking the colony. This did not go well. The drivers door could not be opened from the outside. So I threw the lids back on the hive and I couldn't open the truck door because we had rolled up the windows. I had parked in an area of tall brush. I had to get away from those bees by getting into the truck, the Sheri was having trouble opening my door from the inside because the car seat was in the way. Meanwhile I kept running around the truck, lifting my legs really high to hurdle the tall brush so I could run faster. Sheri said it was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Even I know you should be still and that you can't out run bees, but I had to do something!

As beekeepers we do some pretty embarrassing things. But that's how we learn not to do that again. When beekeepers ask me questions, most of them start by saying they did something embarrassing. Some beekeepers make some embarrassing mistakes storing their honey supers. They store them in trash bags only to find that wax moths have destroyed the supers by spring time. They place them in their moist basement only to find them covered in mildew and mold. 

I recently made a new video showing how I handle my honey supers after harvesting the honey. Please "like" the video when you watch it.

David and Jon have produced some pretty cool podcasts talking about debatable subjects in beekeeping. These are available below:
Listen in iTunes by clicking here or
Listen at TalkShoe
Join online Next Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. central time.
Connect to the podcast using your computer microphone and speakers with no connection fees. (Google Chrome is required.)

Or Dial in using your phone: Call: 605 - 562 - 0444
Enter the Show ID: 129777 #
During the show, press 2 on your phone to "raise your hand" and let David and Jon know you would like to ask a question on the air. They will unmute you in order for you to speak. Call in during the live show and you may be selected to be on the air with Jon and David.


New research in beekeeping is showing many promising results. So much is changing year to year. Don't be left in the dark practicing out of date methods. 

I'm EAS Certified Master Beekeeper and I love helping beekeepers become successful. It's pretty simple. Do the right things and bees are healthier. Sounds and seems easy until you start. Then there are a thousand questions. And there are so many different opinions and answers. Which one is best for my bees? I want to be your beekeeping best friend.

Sign up now for BeeTeam6 Beekeeping Coaching Program. I will be talking about some of the most recent discoveries, such as mushrooms showing potential to control viruses in the colony. 

Sign up for 6 months and you will be prepared and ready for Spring. I'll also send you 6 of my most beneficial and helpful lessons from the last couple of years. 

Or you can sign up monthly by Clicking here. In the last BeeTeam6 teaching video, I explained to subscribers how to gather propolis with a propolis trap. 

Here are several ways to get caught up to speed on "Getting Your Bees Through The Winter".

Online Course - Learn how to get your bees through the winter with David's new online course, from the comfort of your home. Watch the video lessons when you want. Comes with one Free month of coaching with David. Click here for more info

"Getting Your Bees Through The Winter" - David's eBook on Amazon. Click here now.


Liberty Kit Without Bees is a great starter hive. Made here in Illinois, Amish craftsmanship. New pricing with free shipping.
Our Winter Bee Kinds Can Make A Huge Difference In Winter Survival
Because of the popularity of our Winter-Bee-Kinds, we have a limited number that we produce each season. Order yours early to ensure you get yours.  Now that it is turning colder, make sure your bees have adequate food for winter by placing our Winter Bee Kind on your hive if for no other reason than insurance that they won't starve! Available for 10 frame, and 8 frame hives.


Laying Workers
This year was the roll out of our online beekeeping courses. People around the country have been telling us they want to attend our beekeeping classes but they live too far away. We rolled up our sleeves and went to work to provide our classes online. Now hundreds have told us how much they have enjoyed going through our ONLINE courses.
If you are not convinced, consider the money you have invested in bees, protective gear, hive equipment...hundreds! Please do not waste your money by not educating yourself on how to keep's harder than you realize. I'm warning you...without investing in a good beekeeping course, you will be throwing your money away and beekeeping will become a frustrating hobby.

Save the travel expenses of hotels, gas and food. No juggling schedules. Study at your own pace, when you have time. Study in the comfort of your home.
As a BONUS, receive 1 month of free mentoring/coaching through our BeeTeam6 beekeeping mentorship program with EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. A few days after signing up you will have 30 days to directly email David with any questions you may have. 
Click on the link below for the courses of your interest:

******* PERFECT TIMING******

Mouse Guard Tips
Mice will be running into hives and homes for warmer nesting areas. Your hives are an awesome place for female mice to raise their young, nesting on your bottom board and feeding on your bees, honey and pollen. Take action now by reducing your entrances to a small setting. Remember mice can squeeze through a very small opening. Don't wait. Do it before the first hard frost. 

I'm glad you are keeping bees or thinking about it. Thank you for supporting our family business for all your beekeeping needs.


David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms

New Fall Hours:
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10am - 4:30
Wednesday 10a- 4:30
Thursday 10am - 4:30
Friday Closed
Saturday - Our store is open by appointment only