
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Good Friends

When we first started our beekeeping business there was a lot to learn. We learned much of it the hard way. Mistakes were made but we always got back up on our feet and kept going. 

Years ago we use to ship packages through the Post Office. I remember the very first time we shipped packages it was a nightmare. An awesome fellow helped us out and showed us the ropes. My daughter Karee and I worked from 4pm until 10am, all through the night getting those packages ready to be shipped. 

All along the way we have met great people. I refuse to start naming people because I'll leave someone out. Beekeeping is a great hobby because you meet so many great people.  Our customers are great!  We have made so many friends through our business. 

Last week a couple stopped by to see us from New Hampshire. He has been following our videos and podcast for years! A great customer and Sheri and I teased him and called him our one and only fan. Bill and Trisha Whisman. We had such a great time visiting with them. When they got ready to leave, I felt like I wanted to give them something, so I gave them a jar of honey, my prototype of my Frame Prop, and my stainless steel hive tool that I have used for years. Bill acted like I gave him a million dollars. 

It is great to interact and enjoy customers. Quite frankly, it's what keeps us going. Knowing that people enjoy our classes and the products we make gives us a boost.

That's why I love teaching beekeeping classes so much. I enjoy the energy of knowing I am helping others understand more about a hobby they love so much. This Saturday I'm teaching my first "Getting Your Bees Through The Winter"class for this year. I'm really looking forward to it. I'd love to see another 5 or 6 sign up. We still have room. Click here to join me. Class starts this Saturday at 1 in the afternoon and runs until 6pm. When class is over, there's a nice steak house called, Possum Trot Supper Club about 5 miles away. As a class special, those attending the winter class this Saturday can purchase and take home winter-bee-kinds. We will have around 30-40 available.

I've made friends with many customers because they bring back so many Winter-Bee-Kinds for us to refill. The winter-bee-kind feeder is such a life saver for bees in the winter. Give one a try.
Click here to order a winter-bee-kind now.

Probably the greatest friendship maker so far is BeeTeam6! I started a program to help coach and mentor beekeepers. Now I feel like I'm friends with 200 people from around the country. They text me or call me or email me their questions. They will send me a picture or video of something strange going on in their hive. Because we value their friendship so much Sheri and I started a podcast exclusively for Beeteam6 members. I thought I'd post a link here so you can listen to our first one and maybe decide you'd like to join this growing group of beekeepers that I personally mentor. Take a listen and then click here to join BeeTeam6

I was talking to a customer/friend last week and he told me that he hated that he missed one of our online beekeeping classes. I asked him what he meant and he explained that he missed the cut off date. I was happy to tell him that there is no cut off date. That's the beauty of these online classes, you can take them any time! Why not even take them this winter to get ready for next season. Or take the Winter Class now to prepare your colony for winter. So remember you can take these online classes anytime from the comfort of your home. 

Our Online Beekeeping Classes From The Comfort Of Your Home

Understanding Bees of Winter Physiology 

In my winter class this coming Saturday I will demonstrate to the class how to feed your bees for maximum build up of bees with winter physiology. So many bees die in the fall because summer bees only live 45 days. Bees of winter physiology live 4-6 months. So the more bees you raise in October the more bees will keep your hive warm this winter and be ready to make splits in the spring. But there is an art and science to doing this correctly.  There are still several open spots in this class for Saturday or you can take the online Winter class now. Click here for the online winter class.
Use our Burns Bees Feeding System now to prepare your bees for winter! Watch below.

Beekeeper's Best Friend In The Winter
This will make you a Winter Beekeeping Boss!  If you've never heard of our Winter-Bee-Kind, it was invented and created by certified master beekeeper, David Burns. He created a way to provide winter ventilation, upper insulation (to control condensation) and winter food for bees. David has a proprietary mix that meets the winter nutritional needs of bees.

For many years beekeepers have relied on the WBKs to get their bees through the winter. Obtaining a Winter-Bee-Kind requires planning!
We will not start shipping until cooler weather, in November due to the food content. This means that those who place their orders first will be the first to be shipped in November. YOU MUST QUEUE UP NOW!

For those placing their orders now, you'll be the first to receive your WBK sometime in November. 

Join Certified Master Beekeeper David Burns in the bee yard. Spend some time walking around the bee yard with David, looking through hives, trying different things and even hiving a swarm. This online class has lots of things to see right inside the hive. Sign up now as this is an online course you can watch anytime, from the comfort of your home. Click Here For More Info  It's David's Newest Course.

David's eBook Available On Amazon
"Getting Your Bees Through The WInter"

Thanks for being a friend!
David & Sheri