
Friday, June 29, 2018

What Beekeepers Are Reporting Across The Country

Hi, we are David and Sheri Burns at and Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. We specialize in training others in beekeeping and selling beekeeping equipment. 

There is so much information about beekeeping that it is confusing! How can you know what you are watching on YouTube is the best method for where you live and what you are struggling to overcome with your bees? Will mites kill your hive through the spread of viruses? Sometimes you need answers from a trustworthy source. We have worked hard for over a decade to be a source you can trust.

We have 2 classes remaining for the 2018 beekeeping season:

A Day In The Apiary With David- Join Certified Master Beekeeper David Burns in the bee yard this Saturday June 30th from 8:30-11am. 2 spots are still open. This class takes place in hives. You'll learn how to find and mark your queen, how to do a proper inspection, how to test and control mites, how to move a hive, how to harvest honey from a hive, how to combine a weak hive to a strong hive, how to split a hive and much more. Click here to sign up now! Put an end to all your wondering about what's right or wrong.

Getting Your Bees Through The Winter- You've invested a significant amount of time, energy and money into your beekeeping hobby. It's sad to watch it go down the tubes in the winter. However, most beekeepers, especially beekeepers that have only been keeping bees a few years, do not take the necessary steps to ensure their bees are ready for winter. Many beekeepers will get the outside of the hive ready but fail to get the bees ready. Learn what it takes to ensure your bees have a sufficient number of bees of winter physiology and enough protein to carry them through winter. Click here to take this class on Saturday August 25th 1-6pm. 

Online Course-If you live too far to take our "Getting Your Bees Through The Winter" class onsite, consider taking our online course. This course will teach you everything you need to know to get your bees through the winter from the comfort of your home. Take the course any time, on your time schedule, from the comfort of your home. Save the travel and hotel expense. Click here to take our online video course, "Getting Your Bees Through The Winter." If you wait until fall to prepare your colony, it may be too late. Act now.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a beekeeping mentor you can trust and contract with questions? David has spots open in his BeeTeam6 mentorship/coaching program. Click here for more info

Our Winter Bee Kinds Will Go On Sale in 33 Days
Our Winter-Bee-Kind Feeding system can be ordered on August 1st. The reason for the early announcement is because they are shipped in cooler weather, probably in November. But, we shipped them out in the order that orders were placed. So if you order early you can receive yours early. However, if you wait until October to order, you may not receive yours until December. So as a courtesy reminder place your order early if you want your item early.

If you are a new beekeeper, be advised that bees MUST consume an ample amount of protein during the winter. Sugar and/or stored honey alone will not allow them to build up the brood they need to stay warm. Our winter-bee-kinds provide the protein they need to keep their population strong in the winter. Without a strong population, equal to 4 packages of bees, they will likely perish in very cold climates. Don't worry all winter, put your trust in our Winter-Bee-Kind to give your bees what they need.

Currently on our website it says, "Sold Out" which only means from last year. As of August 1, that will change to "Add To Cart"

Use this link on August 1st to order early:

When You Need A Queen, You Need Her Now!!
Thank you for your interest in our queens. I'm excited about offering our queens for sale again this year, 2018. As you know I am very particular about providing quality queens. I've put together my "QUEEN DREAM TEAM" consisting of others that will be raising queens for 2018. Highly respected and experienced beekeepers are working hard raising queens that are for sale online now. Or call in during business hours 217-427-2678. Isn't it nice to have a trusted source.

The queens that we sell are not a specific "race" but rather queens that have been raised from selected northern colonies that make us proud. Our queens are raised here in Illinois. As producers we are in compliance with the Illinois Department of Agricultural's rules and regulation regarding raising queens. All hives from which we are raising queens have passed inspection for 2018.

You can order 1-4 for the same shipping price (overnight UPS only) to save shipping. We no longer ship via USPS. 

Order Your Queen Now

Let Me Mentor You In Preparing For Winter?
Knowing what to do to get your bees ready for winter is so important! Let me be your mentor. I have a special mentorship program called BeeTeam6 where you can call, email or text me concerns or questions you are having about your bees. Plus you receive regular tips and instructional beekeeping video. Even if you are not keeping bees yet, this is perfect to help you gain the education you need before you start. 

David Burns, EAS Certified Master Beekeeper (2010)
What Beekeepers Are Saying
Beekeeping Class
We talk daily to beekeepers from across the country. Here's what we are hearing. Swarming was down this year. Beekeepers who were anxious to retrieve swarms to expand their operations were disappointed.

Colonies that started off producing tons of honey began requeening, placing lots of supersedure cells through the hive resembling swarms cells. If the colony is well populated, this can reduce mites and provide the colony with a new queen.

Many beekeepers found it difficult to requeen a colony that appeared queenless. This is often due to the colony raising their own queen that the beekeeper failed to see. Even though a virgin queen may not be present, she is often out on a mating flight. Always wait until late afternoon to check for queens since virgin queens are not taking mating flights late in the day.

Many beekeepers have asked my opinion about jar hives. Actually the idea of jar hives has been around since the late 1800s. By placing mason jars on a board as a super, bees build honey comb in the jars. There are pros and cons. It is a fun experiment. However, the down side is that there is wasted space around the jars where bees would normally fill up frames full of honey. Also, the jars only contain honey comb with honey in the comb. There is no honey in the jar unless you crush and destroy the comb or spoon it out to eat. It could be a haven for small hive beetles to hide. In Illinois Section 60.40 of the Apiary Law says, "Any hive from which all frames or honeycomb cannot be readily removed for inspection including cross-comb hives or any hive in any situation where adequate or efficient inspection is difficult, impractical, or impossible is hereby declared a nuisance." I'm not sure of the state's position on jar hives, but it could be viewed as cross comb or not removable frames. Check with your local inspectors before making a big investment. Others report that unless you use a starter strip or pre-wax the jars it's hard to get the bees to build comb.  I would not recommend a newbie go this way. Learn the traditional art of beekeeping before experimenting with non-traditional methods. 

If you have not taken a beekeeping class you may be lost in the sauce. Here's our available ONLINE COURSES:

These courses are available all year, from the comfort of your home. Watch these video courses from a certified master beekeeper, a source you can trust. 

I'm glad you are keeping bees or thinking about it. Thank you for supporting our family business for all your beekeeping needs.


David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms