
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Windy Conditions Are Hard On Bees

We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and Last weekend we just finished up our package bee pickup extravaganza! Beekeepers from all over enjoyed a beautiful day and picked up hives, supplies and bees. Sheri and I have worked hard to have the best support staff onsite to help us and they did a great job! I noticed that many beekeepers arriving to pick up their bees were new beginners just starting out. They were very excited about their new beekeeping endeavor.

A new beekeeping endeavor cannot be fully enjoyed or embraced without a basic knowledge in beekeeping skills. If you have not taken a Basic Beekeeping Class with me, please consider taking my Basic Beginners Online Course. Even if you have already started beekeeping this spring, this course can be of great benefit. Plus, it comes with 1 month of free coaching from me. You can email me your concerns and questions. Don't suffer through not knowing what to do or whose answer to trust. Sign up now!

   "Dear David, Thank you so much for this Beginner's Beekeeping course. It truly hits its mark for me. I've been beekeeping by the seat of my pants and a lot of luck for 4 or 5 years now. This information really has filled in the gaps for me and I'm excited that I will be learning much more to come. Your design of the course is a perfect mix of audio and visual to easily get across the learning points. And I really appreciate your Midwest humor! We need it here in Vermont! " -Bob

Many beekeepers contact me daily telling me of the mistakes they made in making their splits. It's easy to mess things up. It's sad to see a colony make it through the winter, only to be weakened by a lack of knowledge in making splits correctly. My Spring Management ONLINE Course goes into specific details on the proper way to make splits and how to overcome some of the pitfalls. Sign up now and take this online course from the comfort of your home. This course comes with 1 month of free coaching from me. Sign up now!

HONEY CLASS MAY 12th  1:00-3:00 PM 
Heartland Community College- Normal, Illinois
Delve into the details of this favorite all-natural sweetener as taught by Sheri Burns, co-owner of Long Lane Honey Bee farms and Bricey Byrket, a Vermilion County beekeeper. You will learn all about the process, how busy bees use nectar and the environmental need for our pollinators. Find out how beekeepers harvest and bottle honey, how to cook and bake with honey, and the medicinal uses of honey. Join us and experience a taste of lemonade, fresh cookies, and fruit dip all made with honey. Discover honey's sweetness as well as its nutritional benefits and take home a jar of your own locally-grown, organic honey. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP

Spring Wind And Rain Can Be Hard On Colonies 
Spring is that beautiful time of the year when plants and trees are in full bloom providing much needed pollen and nectar for honey bees. However, two enemies of the honey bee takes its toll in the spring...rain and wind. This week it has been so windy here in Illinois and it will continue for several more days. When it rains or is windy, bees cannot fly. Generally a 20 mph wind will keep bees from leaving their hive. Spring brings a change in weather patterns and more storms which causes more windy and rainy conditions. 
You may be happy that it is warm and everything is blooming, but if it is windy or rainy your bees are not able to fly and gather food. Feeding is vital during these unpredictable days of spring. 
A wind break may not be helpful. Even if the bees left their colony on a windy day, their trip would be counter productive due to the energy it would take to fly back home. Be patient and keep feeding your bees from the top with our Burns Bees Feeding System, especially on splits or new packages.

Some Of You Are Getting Started Brand New!! Watch My Videos Below:

Beekeeping Methods Can Be Confusing
BeeTeam6 is David's beekeeping coaching program. David coaches beekeepers around the country, helping them with their challenges, questions and concerns. Members can call David's personal cell phone, send an email with pictures or text David questions. David only accepts 200 members. This number fluctuates throughout the season. David is accepting 8 more positions. If you are interested and you think this will really help you, consider signing up today. Once you sign up, David sends out specific video teachings and beekeeping tips several times per month. Even if you don't need to contact David, the videos and tips make it worth being part of BeeTeam6. There's just too many opinions and approaches in beekeeping to figure it all out. Wouldn't it be nice to have an EAS Certified Master beekeeper on the other end of the phone to walk you through your new endeavor.

Making Spring Splits
Join Me In The Hive. Let's Get To Work! 

We are at nearly 13,000 subscribers with nearly 3 Million Views!!  Please subscribe to our YouTube channel! Thank you in advance.
A Day In The Apiary With David
Have you been flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to beekeeping? Do you know just enough to be dangerous? Compliment your beekeeping knowledge by joining David in a hive. He'll walk you through several hive inspections and show manipulating frames and colonies. He'll help you identify what's going on and why. This event is offered at our training center here in central Illinois. This is a fun 2 and a half hours. He's offering 3 different dates to choose from:

June 9, 8:30-11am

June 30th, 8:30-11am SIGN UP HERE

July 7th, 8:30-11am SIGN UP HERE

We are glad you are keeping bees or thinking about it. Thank you for supporting our family business for all your beekeeping needs.


David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms