
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Pheromone Response Of Honey Bees

Hi, we are David and Sheri Burns at Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and and we are excited for the 2017 upcoming beekeeping year. We expect another record number of people to begin keeping bees.

We are also excited about our classes for the new year. Each year we keep increase the number of our classes and we are offering additional speciality classes in beekeeping. Thinking about starting your own business? Join us as we discuss different kinds of bee businesses, along with a discussion on information all small businesses need to know.  We'll touch on employees, advertising, contracts, taxes, and more. This class is on June 11th from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.  Please seek the advice of your own legal counsel when starting your own business.

Our first 2017 Beginners Class will be held February 18th 1pm - 6pm here at our training center.


PACKAGE BEES go on sale online in just 12 days, January 1st. They always sell out fast so put it on your calendar. Order online on January 1st as fast as you can. Follow this link that will be updated at midnight Jan. 1st.

Christmas Gift Cards

Maybe you are wondering at the last minute what to get someone for Christmas. Maybe it's too late or you're too exhausted to think anymore. Why not give them a gift certificate from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and get them started in beekeeping. It is a gift that will entertain them the whole year. In just 4 days it will be Christmas Eve. Now is the time to take advantage of our special Gift Certificates. Sometimes it's hard to know just what to get someone. Beekeeping has always been a huge surprise as a Christmas gift. A gift certificate from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms will give them the pleasure of getting what they have really wanted not just another coffee mug or candle.

If you are considering giving that special someone an entire hive kit with bees, they are available online. However, we can no longer ship hives in time for Christmas. So please use the gift certificate link above.  Remember, our hives are built right here in Illinois. Help keep American, family businesses strong.

Phenomenal Response

Last spring Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns, began a mentorship program for beekeepers. This program affords the member to have access to David's years of knowledge and skills either by email, his personal cell phone or text.  David didn't expect too many to sign up but the response has been phenomenal. There are still a few spots open to reach David's maximum number he is willing to take. This could be a great gift as well. For more information, visit our Membership Info page. Here's what David says about it, "You'll have access to my personal cell phone and private email. And you can send me videos or pictures of your hive when it just doesn't seem right or you don't know what's going on. You'll also receive a weekly instructional video and a weekly beekeeping tip."

Winter-Bee-Kinds Production Will Soon End For The Year
We will complete our production of WBKs for this year in a few weeks. So if you are on the fence or need another one, please place your order now. Remember it's never too cold or too late to place a Winter-Bee-Kind on your hive. You've worked hard to keep your bees healthy.  Don't let them starve in the winter.

Did You Know This About Bees?

Bees do not have ears. If that's true how do they hear the lawn mower coming? They have vibration sensors throughout their body. Sound waves produce vibrations. But without ears how do bees talk to each other?

Through pheromones. Pheromone glands are located at various places on bees. These highly volatile vapors are mixed and dispersed throughout the colony and are received by the antenna of the honey bee.

For example, we've all heard of the alarm pheromone. This is a chemical substance located on the sting apparatus of the honey bee. When we are stung the venom sac releases alarm pheromones on the sting site. This alarm pheromone becomes an indicator to other bees where the trouble lies.

Another commonly understood pheromone is the Nasanov gland located near the end of the abdomen on worker bees. You can actually see this gland open and with a good nose you can smell the scent. Nasanov pheromone has several uses, one is to tell other bees where to land during a swarm.

A virgin queen releases pheromones in her mating flight to signal her location to drones. After she is mated this same gland releases a pheromone that prevents workers from laying.

Even developing larvae release pheromones indicating they need fed. There are so many more interesting facts about pheromones!!

Order Your Bee Hives And Other Equipment From Us
Before you run out to a big box store, why not purchase your beekeeping equipment from us? We are experts in the field. Get started on the right foot. Thank you for supporting our family business for all your beekeeping needs. We do it all. We will educate you through a class, provide the bees and yearly queens and supply you with the hives and equipment you need to be successful.  Here's our most popular Hive Kits:
Our Freedom Kit has been a top choice for new beginners. Painted and assembled our hives are made here in Illinois under David's watchful eye. Starting with 2 hives is always a better idea. You can purchase it with or without bees. And comes with the equipment you need to keep bees. 

2 Hives gives you the advantage to move resources around to keep both hives going strong. Lose a queen? Just move a frame of eggs from the other hive. In a good year you can harvest twice the honey! For more info on our Freedom Kit follow these links:

Freedom Kit With Bees (Bees Are Picked Up Here In Spring)

Our Liberty kit is similar to our Freedom kit only the Liberty kit is for one hive. You can purchase it with or without bees. All our hives are painted and assembled, ready to be placed in your yard. Comes with equipment you need to get started.

For more information on our Liberty Kit, follow these links:

Don't get sucked in to all the "new fangled gadgets and concoctions" on the internet. Stay with science and proven methods. Let us help you in all your beekeeping needs.


David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms
Visit us online at:

Or Call: Tues-Thurs 10am - 4pm 217-427-2678