
Thursday, July 21, 2016

What Will This Hot Weather Do To My Bees?

Wow is it hot! Right now in my bee yard the heat index is 115 degrees (f). Bees are fanning, bringing in water and trying to stay cool. The humidity level doesn't help either.

Hi, this is David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. Thanks for reading our blog today.  Excessive hot and humid weather changes colony behavior. Instead of concentrating on hauling in nectar, foragers are forced to bring water into the hive to be used to cool the hive.  The humid weather slows down the colony's ability to "dry" the nectar into honey. But the worst thing for me is having to wear a bee suit and stand out in the heat. I just will not do it. Also, bees are more defensive as the colony becomes larger with more honey to protect and as it become more humid and hot. You must begin using plenty of smoke if you must open your hives. Wear plenty of protective gear too. Your hive is not the small, little hive you started with. They are much larger in number and in stored honey. If you can, wait until there is a break in the heat to inspect your hives.

Are You Getting The Right Beekeeping Advice? 

Are you sure you can trust the beekeeping information you are getting? I want to help you by being your mentor. For less than $5 a week, I'll give you my personal cell phone, my personal email so that you can call me, text me or email me when you don't know what's going on with your bees.

Let me calm you down!  I can teach you in 3 minutes what it took me 3 years to learn. Sometimes it's hard to get other beekeepers to help you. They might be afraid you will steal their honey sales. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Certified Master Beekeeper to review your pictures or videos and answer your questions. Just today I spotted a beekeeper's queen on a photo she sent me. She was so excited.

Why not purchase this for your friend or loved one? Click To Become A Member 

What You Do In August-October May Determine If Your Bees Survive The Winter
Don't wait until it's too late. It may be too late to make corrections to save your hive if you wait till September. We are offering these classes to help your bees have a better chance to survive the winter. We are offering these classes in August so you have enough time to take the necessary action to help increase the chances of your colonies surviving winter.

What about wrapping a hive, green houses, heat lamps, winter feeding, wind blocks, how much honey to leave on?

Do you understand vitellogensis and the role it plays in overwintering bees?

In this class we'll teach you how to go into winter with healthy young bees rather than trying to overwintered old bees with viruses.

We have the same class being offered on two dates:

Register Now

August 6th 8:30am- 1pm Spots Still Available Sign Up Now

August 20th  8:30am - 1pm  Spots Still  Available Sign Up Now

I know it is summer, but these classes will sell out soon.

At 12:01 a.m. August 1st, our Winter-Bee-Kinds go online. 

Count Down

Winter-Bee-KindPLEASE NOTE, orders will be shipped out starting November 1, in the order they are received. In other words, if you order your WBK this week, yours will ship the first week in November. However, if you order yours on September 1st, there will be hundreds of orders ahead of yours so you may not get your order until December. We do our best to stay caught up but the popularity of our WBKs is overwhelming. Thank you. To order online go to:

I'll be teaching next week near Atlantic City, New Jersey at Stockton University in Galloway, NJ. We have over 350 new beekeepers signed up to take this course. I'll be teaching along with my good friends Jon Zawislak and Steve Rapasky. If any of you are interested in attending, there still may be openings.  Attending EAS makes benefits you because it helps me keep up with the newest and latest scientific discoveries in beekeeping. I plan to produce podcasts and video blogs while I'm there.
For more information: EAS Click Here



ARE MON- THUR 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. 

Wondering how to extract honey? Watch our video:

David and Sheri BurnsLong Lane Honey Bee