
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hello from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. We are David and Sheri Burns and we are giving away some cool beekeeping things on our Facebook page. We've given away a smoker, T-shirt and hive tool, a 5 frame nuc and more. 

To win, just like, comment and share our Facebook page.

We are also giving away another 5 frame nuc from our  Beekeeping video blog (Vlog). Watch this video and subscribe and comment that you want the nuc and you could win a nuc (bees not included). It's just our way of saying thank you to our great customers who follow us online. 

We'll be presenting our 4th Basic Beekeeping course of the year this coming Friday (sold out) and our first Spring Management class is coming up this Saturday (sold out). We are looking forward to both classes and with spring right around the corner our new Spring Management course will be just in time to learn what to do for your hives that survived the winter.

We have lots of classes still to come with openings for the year:

Our advance beekeeping class will take beginners to a new understanding of management techniques and how to better control pests and diseases.
Probably the best queens are the queens you will raise. You'll save time and money and have stronger hives when you have queens on hand that you have raised.
Some beekeepers start keeping bees and then take a class. If you didn't get signed up in time for our earlier Beginners Courses, this one is for you.
Everything you ever wanted to know, hear and see about bees. 2 Spots left.
Very popular last year!  Come and spend 4 hours in hives and learn from certified master beekeeper David Burns. Ask questions and learn how to work and manipulate a hive.

Starting with 2 hives is better than one. There is an old saying that two is one and one is none. Starting with 2 hives gives you more resources to share between hives to keep both strong. We still have Freedom Kits with bees, but these are selling out fast.

Click Here for details. And also check out all the various kits we still have available for the 2016 bee season.

Remember our hives are built right in central Illinois. Thank you for supporting our family business... old fashion hard work!

Almost Daily YouTube Videos Have Started!

On January 1st I started producing my almost daily Vlog. A Vlog is a video blog.

I have produced some on how to feed bees, propolis, beekeeping vocabulary, comb honey, honey and more.

Subscribers are growing and I am hoping to reach 50,000 subscribers by the end of the year. Please introduce our channel to your friends.

Check out my recent one below on how to make comb honey. Please subscriber afterward. We are almost at 5,400 subscribers now.

Feed Your Bees The Right Way This Spring
Burns Bees Feeding System
Leave it up to our EAS certified master beekeeper, David Burns to create an awesome feeding system. Several years ago he nailed it with our Winter-Bee-Kinds and last year he nailed the perfect spring and fall feeding system. Our Burns Bees Feeding System. He has continued to modify it over the last year. The jar holes now are both in the middle rather than side by side as in the picture. We have sold a bunch of these. It's a great way to feed your bees in the spring and fall.

The feeding ports are screened to keep the bees from flying out when you add more sugar water and patties. Get yours in time for spring. It is especially good when installing new packages. It's essential to strengthen your fall colonies for winter.

Be sure and give us a call, and get started in beekeeping today! We are looking forward to hearing from you for all your beekeeping needs. Thank you.