
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

ONLINE SINGLE COURSES 50% OFF!! Early Spring Feeding Tips


Hello BeekSquad! Today is the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!! And sadly, it is FREEZING COLD. So typical for winter to hang on a bit into spring.

I have some good spring tips below and some exciting news I can't wait to share with you. Also, below I have a new video helping to explain how to feed your bees during this crazy time of the year with rollercoaster temperatures.

First, the exciting news: All of our single online beekeeping courses are 50% off starting today, March 19 through March 25, 2024. But the best deal is $100 off our Ultimate Course which includes all of our courses PLUS a free one year subscription to bee culture magazine. This is a fantastic time to beef up your beekeeping education before the year gets into full swing.

Check out all of our Courses and take advantage of these saving while they last. HURRY! CLICK HERE

But there is more exciting news! I've started a new beekeeping podcast called, Mysteries of Honey Bees. You can listen to it on you favorite podcast app. You can even listen to it on your Amazon Alexa by saying, "Alexa, play Mysteries of Honey Bees podcast." Or here's a few links to my podcast:

Apple Music



We have 3 lbs packages of bees with a mated queen and 5 frame Nucs for sale. Here's the link:

I Enjoy Hosting Our Livestream Every Thursday Night At 7PM CST.

Join Us For 59 minutes of the most beekeeping fun you can tolerate. This week I'll also be teaching on how to help your bees gather more spring honey. And we have some giveaways planned and I'll enjoy answering your questions. Join the Beekeeping Livestream with HEART!! Don't be lonely, join the BeekSquad community. See you every Thursday

Here's the link for this Thursday:


Tip #1 Do not lift brood frames out of your hive UNTIL the outside temperature is above 65° (F) or 18° (C).

Tip #2 If it's too cold for your bees to fly, feed winter-bee-kind candy boards.

Tip #3 When it's warm enough for your bees to fly in early spring, feed 1:1 sugar water with our additives.

Tip #4 When dandelions start to bloom there is no need to continue feeding strong colonies.

Tip #5 Feed newly installed packages 1:1 sugar water for a couple of weeks to help them draw out new comb/wax.

Tip #6 During the rollercoaster temperature changes of early spring you may have to go back and forth between liquid and hard candy. Use tip 2 & 3 to help make your decision.


Are you concerned how to feed your bees in later winter and early spring? Watch my newest video below:

I took a peak into a hive IN THE WINTER on a warm day. You'll be amazed! Watch the video below and see how I get my bees through the cold winters of Central Illinois:


Thursday, February 29, 2024

I Love Helping Beekeepers

Hello BeekSquad!

Let me guess, some of you have been at this beekeeping thing for quite some time and you aren't getting the results that you were hoping for?

Maybe you were wanting to see more honey production or better winter survival.

To the best of your understanding, you've been doing what should work, but you're pulling your hair out in frustration. I started beekeeping almost 30 years ago, so rest assured whatever frustration you are feeling, I've felt it too.

To be a good beekeeper it takes time, energy, money, and sheer grit! If beekeeping were easy, everyone would be doing it. Most successful beekeepers didn't become good at it alone. They learned from others. When we surround ourselves with the right people who can help us develop our beekeeping skills, success comes faster.

Unfortunately, many beekeepers go it alone. I started out that way too, and it was tough and I kept failing. I didn't know up from down about bees when I first started. It was ugly.

It is believed that 80% of new beekeepers quit during their first year. Of the 20% that are left, 80% of those quit by year 4. That's alarming. It's a fact, those with solid mentors hang in there a lot longer and do better.

I'm passionate about helping beekeepers make fewer mistakes and keep healthier bees. I often say in my YouTube videos, "I'm working hard for you!"

Here's a summary of my efforts to help you:

  1. 3+ YouTube videos a week.
  2. Weekly Livestream Q&A
  3. Response to Many Questions on YouTube
  4. Speak at Clubs and Conferences
  5. Monthly Columnist in Bee Culture Magazine

In addition to these, I also offer a much more in-depth mentorship program, over the last 8 years, known as BeeTeam6. Hundreds of beekeepers have benefited from this mentorship program. I have been tweaking this program every year, and finally this year we have launched a new approach to BeeTeam6 which will better fit the needs of the beekeeper.

This will also allow us to overcome the problem of this program being full all the time with no vacancies. Please take some time and review this mentorship program to see if there is a tier that fits your need to benefit from me mentoring you in beekeeping. I am an E.A.S Certified Master Beekeeper (2010) with decades of beekeeping experience. I hope I can work with you. Here's the link: CLICK HERE

Are you having trouble finding bees still available for 2024?? We have 3 lbs packages of bees with a mated queen and 5 frame Nucs for sale. Here's the link:

Join Us For Our LIVESTREAM Thursday at 7pm central time. 59 minutes of the most beekeeping fun you can tolerate. We have some giveaways planned and I'll enjoy answering your questions. Join the Beekeeping Livestream with HEART!! Don't be lonely, join the BeekSquad community. See you TONIGHT!

Click Here To Join The Livestream

Every Thursday, 7PM Central Time! Mark Your Calendar and Set An Alarm on Your Smart Phone.

Winter-Bee-Kinds & Our Burns Feeders Are Now Available For A Limited Time. CLICK HERE

Our Winter-Bee-Kinds and Burns Bees Feeders can be ordered ONLINE here and shipped or picked up at King Bee, 3750 North IN-59, Rockville, Indiana. (765) 344-1550. Please DO NOT PLACE YOUR ORDER ONLINE if you plan to pick your feeders up. 


Join me as I walk through some of my hives this winter to see how they are doing, especially the little round hive that could. And below is another video answering which hive is best. Watch my new videos below: