
Monday, November 26, 2018

New Private Lessons With David & Only A Few Hours Left

We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and 

I just wanted to send you this friendly reminder before you miss out on the Black Friday/Cyber Monday offer because it's ending at 10:00 am tomorrow morning.
  • It's one of the best offers I've ever put together.
  • It's everything you need to fully grasps all aspects of beekeeping.
  • I want this to help you have the best beekeeping year ever.
  • You've got all winter to soak up the best of my 6 courses.
We have no plans to offer this deep of a discount on our classes until maybe next year's Black Friday sale, so take advantage of offer.

You can purchase this course for yourself or give this bundle as a gift for someone special.

Hope you don't get this too late. Hurry!

David has traveled around the country to train one on one with various instructors in his sport. Now, you can train one on one with David. It's a private class, private beekeeping lessons tailored to your specific needs. You can choose from 30 minutes to 4 hours. Even if you live far away, plan to visit David the next time you want to take a trip. These private lessons make great gifts! Choose your time below:
60 Minute Private Lesson - Click Here
Once you make your selection you can call into the office or leave notes in your order as to what specific needs you'd like David to teach you on. When you call in David will work out an agreeable time and date. It can be in the winter months to prepare you for spring! Also, you are welcome to bring a friend or spouse or others at no additional cost (limit 3 others). 

Since 1994 I've Gathered A Ton Of Beekeeping Resources To Share With You
I've spent years experimenting with hives, and reading and researching all areas of beekeeping. I want to share some things with you. Please check these articles out:

How To Harvest More Honey. Usually beekeepers are disappointed with the amount of honey their colony produced. There are some essential tools beekeepers can use to increase their honey harvest...Read More

Winter Candy Boards. Winter candy boards can greatly increase your hives' chances of surviving the winter by keeping them from starving out. I've answered 14 common questions asked about candy boards...Read More

Is It Difficult To Find Your Queen? Did you have trouble finding your queen last year? You would think out of 50,000 bees you could find one that's a little bigger. Where does she hide? Finding your queen can increase your success rate. I'll give you ways to make it easier to find your queen...Read More

Read My Answer To The Top 19 Questions I Get Asked By Beekeepers...Read More

Thanks For Being Our Friends
Sheri and I are so thankful for all those we have assisted in some way discovery beekeeping. Learn more about our personal life and our journey in beekeeping...Read More

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

New Weekly Beekeeping Insights | Happy Thanksgiving

We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and We would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! With the help of some great friends and family members we have shipped out 99% of winter-bee-kind orders so far. These may still take 3-5 days to arrive. We are still taking orders for one more month. 

We all gave a big shout out when we placed the label on the most current order. Now we will be able to ship out winter-bee-kind orders much faster. It was a fun day. We had grandchildren helping, Christmas music playing and even some hot chocolate. I personally mixed and poured all the winter-bee-kinds this year as I do every year. Now it's time for us to focus on getting ready to host our family's Thanksgiving celebration here at the bee farm. What a fun time of the year.
Great customers who have chosen to do business with us have made our lives enjoyable. That's how it is supposed to work, right. We help you with your beekeeping needs and when you place orders at you help us enjoy our livelihood. Thank you so much!

Finding Your Queen
How To Inspect A Frame To Find The Queen
1. Scan the frame for a larger bee (the queen) with a larger thorax. Start your scan from the outside edges of the frame. This way you'll see her before she crawls to the other side. Work your way from the edges into the center.  
2.  Do a grid scan. Many beekeepers try and look at every single...READ MORE

Symptoms Of Queenlessness
  1. No visible eggs anywhere in the hive. Unfortunately to confirm you have no eggs you must look at all brood frames. This means as many as 5-6 frames in the center of each hive body box, so a total of 10-12 frames must be carefully searched.
  2. There is no visible sign of...READ MORE
Beekeeping For Beginners
Beekeeping for beginners can be hard to figure out. There is a push to make beekeeping appear practically hands free. Beekeeping for beginners must include learning how to implement best management practices to keep bees alive...

Visit our website and read our insightful beekeeping tips, new every few days. Today's insight is about natural beekeeping and David explains the new paradigm in beekeeping. You'll find them on our main page, just scroll down a little and look for BEEKEEPING INSIGHTS.

Bees In The Winter
I like to make my own wind breaks. I take a few wooden sticks or small posts and beat them into the ground, then wrap visqueen (plastic sheeting) around the posts. I leave the front side open for the bees to fly in and out. On a warm summer day, when the wind isn't blowing...READ MORE

We Are The Place When You Are Looking For Packages Of Bees
Thank you for your interest in our packages and queens. I'm excited about offering packages and queens for sale again this year, 2019. As you know I am very particular about providing quality queens. I've put together my "QUEEN DREAM TEAM" consisting of ...READ MORE

There Are Many Types Of Honey Bees. Does It Really Matter??
Which Honey Bee Is Best? Let me give you some commonly accepted traits of each type or atleast their traits prior to being mixed together here in America with other types.  Before I do, let me say that these claims of trait specific races and hybrids are ...READ MORE

Between now and into the winter, many of you will be getting started in beekeeping for the first time. Others are still real new at this. So be sure and enjoy some of our videos:

Our Hives Are Amish Made Here In Illinois Just For Us

Included in this LIBERTY KIT is, 1 Complete Hive plus supplies. 1 -3 lb package of bees with a mated queen. (Bees must be picked up at our location in Fairmount, IL, see below for more information).   Look at all that is included in this special offer.

This is a huge savings, our way of inviting others to take the plunge and do something good for our environment as well enjoyable a fun hobby. And, wouldn't it be nice to have your own honey to enjoy or sell? The hives are fully assembled and coated with 2 coats of exterior high quality latex paint.
In our LIBERTY KIT you will receive:
One complete hive. This hive includes the following:
1 Screen bottom board with entrance cleat.
1 Entrance feeder
2 Deep Hive Bodies. This is the area where the bees live. Each deep hive body comes complete with 10 wooden frames with full 3/8 side bars, and are glued and stapled. Plus each frame is already assembled with plastic beeswax coated foundation. This is a total of 20 deep hive body frames.
1 Medium Honey Super. This is where the bees store their excess honey that you can remove. This super comes with 10 wooden frames, glued and stapled, fully assembled with plastic beeswax coated foundation.
1 Inner cover. This goes on top of the boxes, but beneath the final top cover. This high-quality inner cover allows for upper ventilation and a vapor barrier.
1 Telescoping Top Cover. This is the final top cover with nice white metal to help protect it from the weather and keeps that nice white look without rusting.
1 Cloth Hat and Veil combo.
1 Hive tool.
1 Smoker
1 Queen Excluder, used to keep the queen from entering into the upper super.

These hives are built right here in Central Illinois. We are a small American business with an EAS certified Master Beekeeper to help answer your questions.

Save $145 Now Through Black Friday & Cyber Monday. 

Long Lane Honey Bee Farms

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Save $145 On Our Online Courses Happy Thanksgiving!

We at Long Lane Honey Bee Farms want to take a moment to let you know how thankful we are for having you as a customer. Here are a few ways we hope to make your Thanksgiving holiday special along with a Black Friday spectacular offer!

Enjoy a moment with us this Saturday. We will be open 10am - 3pm central time. If you have beekeeping questions David will be here and available to answer your questions in our store (no phone calls)! We also have freshly harvested honey for sale from our own hives. Also, we have a limited number of Winter-Bee-Kinds available this Saturday. Take a fun, fall drive and visit Long Lane Honey Bee Farms this Saturday, Nov. 10th.

SAVE $145

Our online beekeeping courses have been enjoyed by hundreds across the country. We are making a special offer from now until Thanksgiving.

For the next 15 days, you can purchase all 6 courses for only $199--a savings of $145! This is your opportunity to spend the winter enjoying these courses. No rush to complete the courses. Take them at your leisure, from the comfort of your home at your own pace. There's no deadline or start time. You have all winter to enjoy the courses and longer if needed.

These courses are video courses with worksheets, taught by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. Here are the courses you'll receive:

Basic Beekeeping
A Day In The Apiary With David
Spring Management
How To Raise Your Own Queens
Advance Beekeeping
Getting Your Bees Through The Winter.

Click here to take advantage of the amazing savings we are offering as our way of saying thank you to all our amazing customers.

Going somewhere for Thanksgiving or Christmas and need a gift for the host?

Purchase a gift card to be used online on our website at


Our Hobby KIT is a starter kit with a package of bees and a mated queen. FREE SHIPPING. Bees Must Be Picked Up At Our Location.

This is the least expensive way to get started. You will need to add more boxes or additional items to this hive as it grows, but you can purchase this kit to get started without paying for the full hive at one time, so it's a little easier on the wallet. Buy other boxes as you need them. Click here for more information.


Sometimes you just need to text or call a certified master beekeeper and find out what the heck has gone wrong with your bees.

You've made a big investment of time and money into this beekeeping thing. Why not sign up for BeeTeam6, a coaching program where David answers your calls, emails or texts and helps you figure out the best plan to keep your bees thriving...READ MORE

What Do Bees Do In The Winter?

Understanding what bees do in the winter helps you to make sure your hives have the best chance to survive winter...Read More


Some diseases can be spread by contaminated beekeeping equipment. This can result in being ordered by the state to kill your bees and burn all of your beekeeping equipment. When it comes to used beekeeping equipment there may be money to be saved but potential problems that could cost you more...READ MORE

We just started shipping out Winter-Bee-Kinds this week because the weather has cooled off. Be patient because they are being shipped out in the order in which the orders were placed and we have many, many orders to get through.

If you have not placed your order, please do so now so that you will be guaranteed to receive a Winter-Bee-Kind this season.This product is in heavy demand. Please be patient. Click one of the links below to secure your order.