
Friday, February 16, 2018

Spring Is Only 32 Days Aways. Are You Ready?

We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and We have some nice mild days for winter over the next week. This will be good for the bees. The first day of spring is only 32 days away!! That means the beekeeper must: 1) Prepare to make splits 2) Prepare to raise queens for those splits 3) Purchase extra hives for these splits or to catch swarms and the list goes on.

Here are some questions beekeepers face in the spring. How soon to inspect after winter? How do I feed my bees in the spring? How do I make a walk-away split?How do I make a split without buying a new queen? How do I prevent a swarm? Do I split for more hives or keep my hives as one hive for more honey? How do I do that? Will I be able to detect those nasty spring diseases? How do I equalize my hives that made it through the winter? Should I replaced my hives that died with packages or nucs? Is it okay to reuse old frames from hives that died? How do I inspect my hive in the spring? These questions and more are addressed in our ONLINE spring management course. Sign up today.
It would be sad for your hives to make it through winter but perish in the spring.

FREE SHIPPING For Our Busy Bee Special Kit
Last year many of new beekeepers didn't get to start because everyone sold out of bees in the winter. This year we are making a special EARLY BIRD OFFER, so that new beginners can secure a hive and a 3lb package of bees with a mated queen. This kit contains a starter hive which includes a screen bottom board, one deep hive body with 10 wooden frame and foundation, an inner cover and a top cover. This starter hive allows you to add additional boxes to your hive only when needed. Shipping of the hive (the woodenware) is free. Bees are NOT shipped and must be  PICK UP ONLY AT OUR TRAINING CENTER IN FAiRMOUNT IL 61841 est. to be 4/28/18. Click here for more info.

Varroa Destructor Mite Spreads Viruses
Honey bees now suffer from so many viruses that are likely spread when mites bite your honey bees. Some of these viruses do not take their toll on a colony until around February or March. All at once the colony begins to crash with plenty of honey in the comb. It's sad. Controlling mites must be started in the spring and continue until your last inspection in the fall. Check out my article on how to test for mites. Learn More 

Spring weather can be warm, then cold, nice, then snowy
The rapidly changing weather of spring can leave your bees starving for food. They start raising more brood, but a cold snap may hold them inside. Since they consumed most of their food in the winter, they can quickly starve on cold spring days. Make sure you have our Burns Bees Feeding System on your hive this spring. 

Available for 8 frames hives or 10 frames hives. Screen holds the bees down when you change your sugar jars and pollen patties. If you need more ventilation, just leave one hole open. 

On cold days and nights in the spring, the colony clusters high in the hive and is likely not to go down to entrance feeders. This feeder feeds the cluster.

Be Wise About Your Spring Feeding
Some people try to place an entrance feeder on top of the frames of a deep and surround it with a shell of a deep hive body and place a lid on it. This can work if all conditions are right, but the fact that you need to do this means that all conditions are not right. In other words, it is too cold for the bees to go down to the entrance feeder at the opening which means there is way too much heat loss. Heat escapes from the cluster up into the open shell of the hive body. Also the bees need more than just sugar, they also need pollen to keep building up.
So let me give the details the Burns Bees Feeding System. 

Your Bees May Do Some Strange Things. What Will You Do?
Knowing what to do and when is the tricky part of beekeeping. Let me be your mentor. I have a special mentorship program called BeeTeam6 where you can call, email or text me concerns or questions you are having about your bees. Plus you receive a weekly tip and a weekly instructional beekeeping video. Even if you are not keeping bees yet, this is perfect to help you gain the education you need before you start. Or if you are starting this year, why not have the extra peace of mind by having someone you can consult. 

Marking Your Queen
A marked queen is beneficial because it aids the beekeeper in identifying the queen more quickly, thus knowing where the queen is so as not to accidentally kill her. It also allows us to keep detailed records on a specific queen, particularly her age and performance. When making splits, the queen can get moved around, so by having her marked or numbered you'll always know the history of that particular queen no matter where you place her. In the past I would occasionally mark certain queens by picking them...READ MORE

Fastest Class To Sell Out Is Our Queen Rearing Course.

Every beekeeper can benefit from knowing how to raise their own queens. It's a pain to have to order a queen and hope she arrives when you need her. Why not learn how to raise your own queen. Raise one queen and you've made your money back for the cost of our online class. Our onsite queen rearing course for May 26th of this year is SOLD OUT. BUT, you can take our online Queen Rearing Course. It's the same course but you can take it from the comfort of your home, on your schedule and start and finish when you want. Click here to sign up today.

Friday, February 9, 2018

2 Spots Have Opened For Tomorrow's Beginners Class

We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms here in central Illinois. 

We are excited as tomorrow is our first onsite class for the 2018 year! Most students have pre-ordered their hives and will be picking them up tomorrow.

We had a couple that had to cancel from tomorrow's class due to illness, so we have two spots available. Click here to register. Class is from 1pm - 6pm for Basic Beekeeping. Our next two beginner classes are sold out so this is your chance to get into an early class.

And our store is open tomorrow and on other Saturdays when we have class! Drop in and and see us.

Other Classes:
Mar 2018

If you are too far away to enjoy our classroom classes consider taking a course through our Online Beekeeping Academy. 

We introduced our online academy a week ago and we have had a phenomenal response! These courses can be taken at your own pace, when you want, in the comfort of your home. Click the online course of your choice below.These ARE NOTWEBINARS. These are videos and worksheets from certified master beekeeper David Burns that are personally emailed to you. So you can enjoy learning by yourself when you want.

As a BONUS for signing up for an online course, receive 1 month of free mentoring/coaching through our BeeTeam6 beekeeping mentorship program with EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. 10 days after signing up you will have 30 days to call David's personal cell phone, ask questions through email or text.

Honey Bees and The Solar Eclipse
It's cold and snowy in Illinois! But remember last summer when we had the solar eclipse and the sky became dark as night? I observed my bees, and was wondering what would happen. Well, to be honest...nothing. They slowed down their foraging a little, but as soon as it brightened up, they were back at it. Here's an interesting question: Why can bees stare at the sun but we have to wear special glasses? 

Here I'm with two of my three daughters, Jennifer (left) and Karee. We were sporting some cool shades last summer. Can't wait till summer time again. There's me and Christian to the right watching the eclipse.

I'm glad you are keeping bees or thinking about it. Thank you for supporting our family business for all your beekeeping needs.


David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms

New 2018 Hours:
Monday 10am - 6pm 
Tuesday 10am - 3pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 3pm
Friday 9am - Noon
Saturday - Our store is also open on days when we have Saturday classes