
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fast Answers From David

Happy 4th of July!!  We are David and Sheri Burns from Long Lane Honey Bee Farms and It's summer! It's great seeing bees making all that honey for us. They are such hard workers. 

We have 3 openings for this Saturday's DAY IN THE APIARY class with David July 8th 8:30am-11am central time. Come and spend time in the bee yard with David, learning how to work hives and listen to a certified master beekeeper explain what he sees during an inspection. Click here to sign up.

Classes still open for the year are:

Beginners Class Oct. 14th 1-6pm Only 4 Spots Still Open

Join Now And Let Me Help You Prepare For Winter
Knowing how to prepare your hive for winter is critical and tricky.  Let me be your mentor. I have a special mentorship program called BeeTeam6 where you can call, email or text me concerns or questions you are having about your bees. Plus you receive a weekly tip and a weekly instructional beekeeping video. Even if you are not keeping bees yet, this is perfect to help you gain the education you need before you start. Or if you are starting in 2018, why not have the extra peace of mind by having someone you can consult. JOIN NOW 5 Spots are now open. 

Join Me In St. Louis July 22, 2017
I'll be giving an all day workshop at the Three Rivers Beekeeping Association on Saturday July 22. You can sign up now! Just visit their website and sign up now.
I'll cover bee biology, swarm control, genetics, honey production, over wintering techniques, and pests and diseases. It will be held at the Extension center in St. Peters, Mo. 

Join Me In Delaware July 31-August 4th. 

Join Me At the University of Delaware in Newark, De., July 31-August 4th. I'll be giving several talks throughout the conference. Click here to register now. Every beekeeper should attend an EAS conference. Rub elbows with the leading scientist in beekeeping. Hear the results from the newest studies, talk with vendors and more!

Fast Answers From David
A: Is it too late to split now? Q:Yes
A:Is it a good idea to go into winter with a new queen? Q:Absolutely
A:How do I control small hive beetles? Q:Beetle traps and strong colonies.
A:How do I know when to harvest my honey? Q: Watch my video
A:What should I do about mites?  Q: Watch my video
A:If I live in the north should I leave a full super on for winter? Q:Yes
A:When should I reduce the entrance? Q:Before the first frost.
A:How should I store my honey supers? Q:Freeze them first then store open in an area free of mice and insects.
A:Should I place my extracted (wet) supers in my bee yard for the bees to clean up?
Q:NO!!!!!  They attract small hive beetles and robber bees to your hives.
A:Why aren't you making as many beekeeping videos as you use to? Q:My efforts go into making 1 video a week for those who are in my mentorship program.
A:Why are my bees more aggressive now? Q:It's hotter, there is more brood and honey to protect and there are more bees. Suit up and use more smoke.
A:Can my bees be mite free? Q: Nearly impossible.
A:How can I speed up getting foundation drawn out? Q:Melt wax and brush it on the foundation. Watch my video.

If you can, start with two hives. You can swap frames to balance your hives during the year. If a queen dies, just move a frame of eggs over from the other hive. Check out our Freedom Kit on this 4th of July and gear up for 2018! Click here now.

How Do I Buy Queens?

We are selling queens every week. We place them online as soon as they available each week. They quickly sell out, so watch our queen product page for availability. 

See you next time,
David and Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms
We open again July 5th 10am-4:30pm central time.